
Feb 13, 2006 19:28

Well well well... its that time of year where you ither feel loved, alone, or pathedic. You've ither got a boyfriend (loved), ur single (alone), or you have no friends or a boyfriend (pathedic). This is the time of year you ither dread or love. Personally Ive never truely been alone on Valentines day last year I was with Neil, and all the years before Ive ither hung out with my friends or my family. Well this year I belive I will hang out with my best friend samantha. Me and Neil wont hang out untill wendesday because hes cooking me dinner and thats when his parents are gone. So ur think awww thats cute, not bad at all. Heres the delema.. Me and Neil only get 2 hours!!!! Like what is that!!??!?! Then Im going with him to his basketball game where he wont play much. Not because he isnt good just because he doesnt show up to practice and its not fair to put him in alot. He is priddy good. But anyways I only see him for 2 hours which sucks!! My baby, my love for 2 hours on the romantic holiday of the year! I dont know how were gonna cook and eat dinner. Infact I just asked him that and he said we have and hour and 45 mins so its should be good.... even less time :'(. And its sad because I know he tried hard to plan this and its all going to shit because 1st no basketball everything was good. Then basketball at 8 not so bad. Now basketball at 7:30... greaaaat. But I love him... yes love and I wanna be with him so if less then 2 hours is all I get with him on that night is ok. We always have next year! I plan on being with him for awhile if things work out ok aka if he dont dump me ahaha. Lol but on the brightside we have thursday to dance together and the weekend. But still I wanted Valentines day to be special, Ow well, all that matters is that I will be with him ♥ and for that im thankful :)

♥ - N

OOOOOOO P.S.!!!!!!!!! HCE IS A MAJOR AMAZING TEAM WE ALL WON 1st!!!! WE ROCKED ST FX!!!! BABHAHAHAH heres a couple pics form the comp:

Lauren, Sam, Me, Bean and Jenn



Loves it!!

From Bottom to top: Coachs, Cubs, Coyotes and Wolves at top
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