
Oct 03, 2007 22:46

I'm done, just completely done with this all. I want to graduate and get the hell out of here.

I'm just so TIRED of all of the drama in my house right now, it's just too much for me right now. I can't believe that my mom is divorcing her 5th husband after being married for 8 months and is back with the previous husband, Rhyse, who is living with us now. How crazy is that? I'm not comfortable having him around at all. Sure, he's different since the divorce 3 years ago, but it still doesn't eliminate the 9 years that I lived with him before the divorce. I just won't get used to it. I avoid him at all costs in the house and I despise every time that I run into him. And now to make things worse, my mom said that we're running out of money fast and only have like 2 months worth of money because she's just not making enough income to keep up. So guess where we're going to move soon? Rhyse's house. How awkward will that be. That's not my house anymore. Sure, I lived there for 5 years, but I didn't live there for 3 and it's totally different now. It'll just be so freaking weird and I'll probably try to spend the night at friends' houses as much as possible. So heads up everyone!

I can't handle all of this right now, I'm having WAY too many problems with myself mentally and physically. I'm being forced to grow up too quickly too. As if I wasn't forced already because I grew up with a little brother that took up all of my mom's time and still does, I now am pushed to wanting to leave this house so badly that I would be willing to go out and live on my own right now if I could afford it. I want that so badly, but I'm trapped here, and that's exactly what it feels like. I feel like I'm here against my will. I don't think that's how I should feel. I love my mom so much, don't get me wrong, but I'm tired of her decisions affecting me so much.

I'm ready to grow up; graduation isn't coming fast enough.
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