I've been a busy bee as of late

Nov 19, 2010 20:02

Yep, I'm basically still working 7 days a week. Some days I work at home which is nice; some days I only work for a few hours, again, it's nice, but it royally screws my day up. I did get Wed off, so I worked on building my greenhouse. I have dragonfruit and papaya plants. They don't like the few days of below freezing weather we get, so every year, I have to build a temporary greenhouse. Every year is a different design. I'm learning as I go. I've got most of the plastic up, but for the top, I need another person to help me. Since my BIL will be at the house on Thanksgiving, he can help me. We aren't expected to drop below freezing again before then. We will get close, but not quite. Plus the area the plants are in is a little more protected from the elements. \o/

Anyways, besides that I have been working steadily on the iris pictures. Between myself and the collector, we took over 2000 photographs this year. The pictures had to be sorted, edited, then the collector had to pick which ones he wanted for the database, uploaded, then hyperlinked (I had to manually type in the hyperlink because Excel would not register browsed pages). Ugh. In other words, a lot of work.
These are the ones that were selected from my pictures. Even though there were a number that were more 'photogenic' there were reasons why specific photographs were chosen.

I'm hoping to get another chapter of Rites of Passage up by Jan. Hoping. I'm helping my sister to move the first part of Dec. & will be working 7 days a week up til then and after, so who knows what will happen.

rl, writing, rites of passage

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