A Little Birdie Says...

Jan 31, 2010 20:01

  • 23:44 @ dannysgirlsg1 Go with something from mythology. That always works. Greek or Roman, but Norse works well, too.
  • 23:45 @ Smileleigh Thx for the #FF. Not sure what I did to deserve it, but thx.
  • 23:47 @ dannysgirlsg1 That works. :) Has to, doesn't it?
  • 23:49 I entered the SUPERFAN Sweepstakes to meet the @MythBusters because #IMASUPERFAN ! www.discovery.com/mythbusters
  • 00:29 Not sure if I want to try and make it home later 2day once the temps get above 32 (barely :) ). Some areas of the main rds haven't bn plowed
  • 00:36 @ SyfyMovies DC, make sure the Senate & House r in session. :) Or Miami... it's warm & has lots of exotic critters- great for a scifi movie
  • 00:38 @ SyfyMovies Would you consider London, Oslo, Amsterdam, Paris, or Venice? How abt Hong Kong?
  • 13:52 @ Colonel_Ez @wraithfodder Most cons, I think, r going 2 mod'ed q's. Stops all those REALLY stupid q's & the same q asked again & again.
  • 14:04 Still stuck @ sis' house. They don't live on primary rd (near, but not on); hasn't been plowed & there is a hill+curve. I like my car 2 much
  • 17:38 @ wraithfodder Yep. The 1st q in 1 of the SuperGate Panels @ DragonCon was a rpf fic q, leaned toward slash side. I wanted 2 slap them.
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