just ramblings on my love life. lol

Sep 17, 2010 04:46

LOL. yep. My IMA WA pose with my HARI RAYA clothes >< what do u think? LOL NESS ><

My life so far is great.
I have no troubles with studies.
No troubles with families.
No troubles with friends.
and No troubles with Love.

so yeah, u can say i lead a peaceful life, a bit boring life though.

My life is totally filled with Yamapi and NEWS and JDramas and Animes and Mangas. 
Im not interested in a boyfren girlfren relationship now.
i've been in hurtful situations more than once due to boygirl relationship.
and i just dont care anymore.

Im a girl  and yet i have a big ego. >< 
well, i dont know if its ego but its like woman's pride?

Ive heard things like: if u love someone, u would do anything to get that person to love u back.

it's not that case for me.
To me, whatever it is, the guy has to be the first making the move. 
and if he doesnt like me anymore, and i found out about it, then immediately i would not contact him.
well, not drastically didnt contact him but it gets fewer and fewer.
and the next thing i know, i dont love him anymore.

I HATE SHOWING A GUY MY WEAKNESS. and that's why i never showed them.
I DONT LIKE A GUY to know i cried because of him etc and that's why I limit myself to cry about him for only a day. and wont cried again.
and one more thing I Dont like to cry in front of anyone just because of guy even if it's my family or my close friends.
it's just not my personality . maybe, im just cold?

Im proud that i have a strong heart and mind. 
Im proud that im able to block things out easily. 
But this also means that i have never fall in love .
Yes, i have boyfrens before, but it just never worked out.

I hate to separate in a bad way, even though, im heartbroken, i still be able to talk to them normally , as if nothing happened.
sometimes, its so weird. maybe, this is my ego. not wanting them to know they hurt me. Lol.
and yeah, funny thing is those guys who break my heart , i can normally talk to them now etc.
but the guy who didnt do anything bad to me, in fact, he's a wonderful boyfren during that time, it's just seem awkward. >< funny, right?

right now, im happy with the way im living.
Im contented. *alhamdulillah* 
Its not the right time for me to be involved in a relationship, i know that.
so i will always tell myself, the time will come for that to happen (:

anyway, #NEWSlive trending with NEWSfamily is super NEWSfun on NEWStwitter.
I love all songs on LIVE album! <3 kyaa! 
yamapi, daichuki  *chu* (:

ima wa, news, yamapi, love, life

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