Watch this video all you Wincesters, OMG. TEARS. I have TEARS. Man it hurts so good. Stanford era Wincest and it's just so unbelievably sad, how hard it is for them and how Dean just can't let go and Sam just can't let go of his life and AAAAAH. MY BOYS. The editing is AMAZING, it has all these cool overlaying effects and the way she edited together a bunch of scenes of them having big talks together just makes you GET it in this new way. You just know what they're saying. And the video-manip kisses! I will never cease being amazed by those. JUST GO WATCH.
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That combined with reading
Into Dust by
nu_breed is just making me all weepy and emotional. It starts off as pre-series weecest and goes all the way through to season 3 and is just SO GOOD. WHY DO I NOT HAVE A BIG EPIC STAR-CROSSED LOVE???
In other news, jeebus, I am SO DISGUSTING. I just ate an entire pint of Phish Food. I'd like to say I regretted doing so more, but omg TASTE SO GOOOOOOD. Now I'm off to sequester myself in a room and study orgo, fun fun.