DUDEZ. Hi! I am not, in fact, dead. I think it was about search party time for me, I can't even remember what I last posted about. So anyways, update time!
I finished school! Woot! Let us hope I didn't fail physics. I am SO glad to be done with finals, you wouldn't believe. School was sucking the life out of me and now I'm FREE. Moving out was a bitch too. I had to do all that work MYSELF. Haha I'm such a spoiled princess. I'm RESPONSIBLE, I swear! (I see you laughing, Ash. Stop that.)
So, all that freedom suddenly makes me BUSY. I've been running around trying to see everyone and it's been great. I still need to see the Lizzes, Adri, and Sam more, but then I think I've spent some time with everyone. Basically, debauchery. The end.
Also, I went to LA this past weekend and went to the POTC 3 premiere at Disneyland! It was a fun trip, even if I was pretty much lost driving and tired the whole time. I think it was worth the tiredness. I got to crash with Patty and
phoenixforhire at their hotel and go to Disneyland with them both days! I also met up with
jeweleglantine and KT for the day of the premiere. Disneyland was awesome and not really how I remembered it way back in the day when I went as a wee young'un. I think I also smished Disneyland and Disneyworld together since I've been to both. But nonetheless, fun times. Then the last night I went and crashed at
notthequiettype's homeland. And I mean CRASHED. I think I stared at her in rapt attention as she told me stories and then stared at Tall Tales a little and then made myself comfortable in her bed and passed out. They call me Snoozy Suzy for a reason. You womens were all awesome to me, and as awesome as I knew you'd be from online. I can only hope I lived up to your expectations somewhat!
After that time in LA and general busy-ness, I had so much flist to catch up with, jeebus. So sorry if I have been a bad commenter lately!
I've missed this town so much. With its sunnyness, its closeness to Santa Cruz, it's happy little coffee shops and driving everywhere...it's home. I can't put it into words. Being back in this busy house with a family is great. Also, my room is clean right now, imagine that! If you know me at all, you know that won't last.
I just met up with my aunt earlier and had a little recap. I love her so much, she really is the best. She's the cool aunt. She knows what's going on with me, and really cares, and is just so awesome to me. It's odd that we seem on like a friend level even though she's older than my parents. I guess it's like how I can tell my best friend's parents more than I can tell my own. It's just different with other adults. She also said it looked like I had lost weight and that made my ego go SCHWOOM. It made me all smiley and hopeful and less like an ugly chubs and more like a happy Susan, which is always a good thing.
My car really needs to be washed....I desperately need eyeliner. These are PRESSING ISSUES in my life right now and I like that. The simple life, yo.
So, with all the visiting people, I haven't had time to do art and watch tv like I said I would. I think I might have to just make time and get my butt off the internet and do that instead of being on here. But I also have a TON of fic to read. And I love my flist! I am TORN :-/
Also, I'm looking into two nannying jobs, so we'll see if that pans out.
Um, I think you are now up to speed! *skips off*
Edit: OMG hahaha. So I made a voicepost when I was driving to Disneyland and hung up so it was set to private but is now unlocked. And it's really embarassing and I sound NASAL but here you go anyway:
go listen.