Dec 23, 2006 20:48
OMG guess what? I just watched Little Women with my mommy and my daddy and my puppy and my best friend and we had a fire going because it's freezig and I'm still sitting by the fire because it's toasty and I have a laptop and I feel Chrismtasy because we saw our family today. I forgot how overwhelming all their chatter was, but it makes me feel happy and safe at the same time. And I ate too much chocolate. But all is right in the world. And guess why else I haven't been posting? Instead of seeing my friends like I should, I've been watching Supernatural with my mom (omg you won't believe this, but I JUST bought the dvds, silly me. SPN makes me feel warm and tingly in a very DIFFERENT way, hee). Besides that? Been sleeping a lot. A LOT. Way too much by anyone else's standards, but hey, I'm sleepy and like naps, ok! Ok, so more SPN marathon...when we're done it's back to Veronica Mars and then Firefly and then yay new DVDs for Christmas! <3 you all.
little women