For those of you still reading this sorely-neglected journal, I've announced over on my slightly-less-neglected Tumblr ( that I’ve reopened my severely-neglected
Harry Potter Artwork website, after a fairly long hiatus. My current plan is to upload one drawing every weekday or so, until my entire catalogue of HP art is up there - no small task! A few pieces/sketches might pop up that never made it to the website in the first place, for various reasons. I’m rescanning many of the images and uploading them larger, to keep up with the times and the fact that monitors are MUCH larger these days than they were over a decade ago when I first started the website (not counting smartphone screens, I suppose...)!
I am sure I will miss days here and there, as I’m still busy working full time and tending to my livestock, and my health has been rather poor lately, leading to extremely low energy levels. But it’s fun going through the archives again, and I think this will be a fun winter project. I hope people enjoy looking at some old work along with me, too.
I should also mention that a decent number of new work has been done on my
Harry Potter Tarot project, so check that out too, if you thought I'd abandoned it! :D