Floating Tilting Game Platform finished!

May 30, 2011 20:10

The Floating Tilting Game Platform is a lot of fun.  It's also very good exercise.  In the only time we took video, Adam managed to quickly score one against me:

image Click to view

Kate painted the game balls and made them look awesome:

Dressing in our team colors :-)

Kate takes good action shots:


Come out to NotEphemerisle and play!

Thanks to our Kickstarter backers:

First tier (<$20)
- Michael Katsevman
- lovekickstarting
- you_will_succeed
- Anonymous(1)

Second Tier: ($20-$50)
- Christine Peterson
- Jonathan Cain
- Terry Floyd
- Gerry Deckert
- Mike Gibson
- Anonymous(3)

Third Tier: ($50+)
- James Hogan
- Anonymous(1)

art, notephemerisle, bestof, ephemerisle, projects

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