May 04, 2006 00:32
Work sucks.
Work is starting to wear me down. Its weird cuz I'm actually doing less than I did before. Like when I first started I was worked really hard, I was always running around and all that shit. Now, I stand around and talk. I watch TV once in a while. I don't do THAT much anymore, but I'm still exhausted after work. I guess its just from the general lack of sleep.
Exams suck.
Its that magical time of the year again. Now I transform from a complete slacker to an actual hard worker. Now its crunch time. My productivity and everything goes through the roof. I block everyone and everything out and just work. Its crazy, its horrible for my health, and its completely stressing me out already. It sucks, especally cuz I have work also. I hope I can make it.
Well, I still think about Stephanie. I haven't kissed a girl in a while except her (back in March). Like even on the cheek (which is where I kissed her) and even before her, it was a long time from the last kiss. I kinda miss her, I'd kinda like to give her another kiss, its weird. I still think Carrie is really cute. I'd love to get to talk to her again. I just wish that we were more compatible. IDK, somethings off and I'm kinda "intimidated" by her sometimes. But I still am very attracted to her, for some reason. And then their is Brianna. We flirt a lot, I have a huge crush on her. Honestly, i need to pull back, or stay away from her for a little while or something. I think it might get to a bad part soon. Like I might start to really really like her and if she didnt like me then it might get kinda bad. IDK. I dont think its there yet, but its kinda close. I'm gonna try to be careful.
I still try to meet other women. I need to rework my approach. I think I'm too forward, and I think I might be scaring women off. I need practice. Anyone wanna help? lol.
I need a good way to relieve a lot a stress. I tried guitar but its starting to seem like a chore especally cuz of the exam. IDK, i need to find a song that I can play, or start working on songs of my own or something. Or maybe I should find a cuddle buddy or something. IDK, I'm gonna take some time out for myself and just relax. Maybe a movie or something, IDK. MI3 anyone?
Well their is a lot more going on in my life, but I'm too tired to get into it right now.