Eventually, you learn how to hold back tears and act like you don’t care.

Jul 31, 2012 19:55

i'm not here anymore. treat it as one of those ghost's profile, that just exist, but the owner is nowhere to be found. you can try to PM me, which is the only possibility to actually contact me somehow.

i'm not interesting nor funny. i barely update and i suck at commenting on my flist ljs. you'll be more lucky to talk to me on one of my communities. i don't add people just to have a huge number as my flist. plus i'm adding only those whom i've seen around.
check jezebelsart for new graphic posts.

the saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries not to be sad. You know when sad tries to bite its lip and not cry and smile and say, “No, I’m happy for you”? That’s when it’s really sad.

adding | selectively adding | not adding


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