Abortion?: I strongly dislike the idea of anyone aborting their child, but I believe if you are so morally deficient as to actually want to do this you should have the choice to fuck up your and your future child's life. People who cannot have children would glady take them, I do not accept the idea that abortion is even a choice when considering what to do when one is pregnent, bleh!.
Death Penalty?: Sometimes death is too good a punishment for some criminals, though if someone is a real threat even while incarcerated, then I suppose it is neccesary.
Prostitution?: If a state could impose standards on prostitution, as in age, written consent, and a physical, then hey go for it.
Alcohol?: It is a nice way to relax with friends, but do try to retain some dignity while intoxicated, not everyone cares to see the alcohol come back out of your mouth once you have put it in there.
Marijuana?: Eh, I am not a big fan myself, but if others want to use it, go for it, I see no major harm if taken in a responsible manner. As far as legalization goes, really you my as well, marijuana is one of the most widley used illegal drugs out there. You do not have to be any sort of magician to find some if you want to.
Other drugs?: Eh, again, not a big fan of the illegal drugs, they are just not my thing. But if someone is going to use them, let them be responsible, it stops just affecting the user when they get in a car or go out in public.
Gay marriage?: What can I say about this other than, absolutly, there is no logical reason why not, if we are to live in a 'fair' society, with equal rights, then us homos should have the right to get hitched and go through the normal craziness, just like every hetero couple out there. Wether I want to or not, I am not sure yet, though I have the feeling that eventually, I might meet a guy who can put up with me.
Illegal immigrants?: I suppose this is a tough call, I do not believe we should punish others for wanting to live in this country, and not having the good fortune to be born here. But at the same time, there have to be some sort of regulations in place to control population, and to make sure everyone gets a fair shake.
Smoking?: Bleh, not a big fan. Cigarettes/Cigars are nasty as far as I am concerned, I do not ever plan to go that route, but hey if you want to waste your money, time, and health, go right ahead.
Drunk driving?: NO
Cloning?: The Brits seem to have the right idea, give it a shot, if anything can be done with it, as far as harvesting human organs/limbs/etc... then it may be worth it, if not then fuck it, we have enough jack asses popping out babies left and right, we do not need artificially made jack asses.
Racism?: Seriously, are we still talking about this?, come on people its a baby step.
Premarital sex?: Eh, call me prude, but I believe that if I am going to have sexual relations with anyone, then there should be a strong emotional connection between myself and my lover. But if other people want to, go right ahead, but please 'wrap it before you slap it', we do not need any more unwanted births or STDs out there.
Religion?: Well this is a loaded question, but overall I would say religion in general tends to create more divides between people than it does unite them. Organized religion is not really for me, live a good life and you will be happy.
The war in Iraq?: First? or Second? hehee, I can see the reasons for carrying out the first war against Iraq, the given and the subtle. But the second was just a waste and not a national interest. The fact that both Bush and Kerry both have said that they would still go into Iraq, knowing what they know today is just incredible, I mean... come on... Kerry may be a flip flopper, but really if you are driving to Syracuse from Rochester and realize that you are headed toward Buffalo, do you say "Aww fuck it lets stay the course!", or do you realize you made a mistake and take appropriate actions to correct your error? I would hope the latter, but I guess people are all gung ho about sticking with a mistake.
Bush?: Write this down... No.
Downloading music?: There is no way the RIAA is going to stop this, I have little problem with it, I still buy albums of artists I really like.
The legal drinking age?: I do not really have too much of a problem with it being 21, but I do believe that if I can be drafted to fight for my country then I should at least be able to put back a beer or two before I do so.
Porn?: Fine with me, as long as it is not child pornography, or if any participant is unwillingly involved, that is just sick and disgusting.
Suicide?: It is a stupid idea, and never is it the answer.
In other news, I am still addicted to Doom 3, I am in hell literally. I am stuck on the boss, he is this big nasty Balrog like demon, who has three "watchers", since he himself seems to have poor vision(it is so dreadfully dark in hell, it is no wonder, maybe he should look into contacts or eating his carrots or something), these three "watchers" are his way of finding you. You need to destroy the watchers so that the beast might become vunerable, the trick is you have about five seconds to hit him hard before he teleports in 3 more watchers to irritate the hell out of you. The beast has a low powered ranged attack that is a radial fire ball shot, but his main attack is beating the living hell out of you(he is also faster than you on foot, which really sucks). This guy also eats rockets for breakfast, so he is no easy target even when vunerable. Maybe tomorrow I will take that sucker out.
Oh I might just be in Rochester this weekend, I am heading up with Mikey to see the Meg, hopefully I will get to hang out with some other peoples as well. =D Owell off to sleep for me, I am so sleepy and sunburned.