Bleh... Well not much going on in the ol' life of Cheston, I started work this week which was pretty good, I work for
Empire State College in the IT department not doing a whole lot, mostly fighting Lotus Notes and NT4/2k, well more so the users who always seem to amaze me. Anyways its a pretty good job, really nice people to work with, ten dollars an hour and nine to five so I cannot complain too much, that and they hired another intern this summer so I have even less work to do, which means more
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Google news reading time. But other than work I have gotten myself back into a work out schedule, lots of running, weights and what not, trying to gets me some sort of chest area. I have of course also been rocking the MST3K on a regular basis, as usual. Well this was a boring entry, I should go do something interesting... Oh I might be up to Rochester/RIT on the 25th, I will try to make a stop by to see the CSH summer crew, which should be (insert terrible Tony the Tiger impression here)Grrrreeeeaaattttt!!!!1!