Today I waded in the muddling complexities of the IRC.
Dum dum dum DUM.
As it happens, working the IRC is one of those things that fill you with Lots of JOY whe done successfully because it's practically coding... in DOS.
Funnily enough, I didn't intent to get mIRC because of the head-turning commands and well, apparently in the channels that I might join were full of people waiting for any false spelling so they can kick you out.
It's the truth. It's no place for the gentle newbie. You paste the wrong coding and they throw you out by thr scruff of the neck with the shaken fist.
I thought, Hey, do I need to be screwed over in IRC? I can get flamed right out in
in Teabizzle's Icon Camp Fire by being nasty and troll-spamming teh person into next Chinese New Year(has it apparently stopped?).
Nevertheless, annoyance of waiting for odd bits of manga was too much by cheating copiously with How-To guides, managed to (omg.) download things. Without getting kicked or banned or tripping up any twisty rules!
O.Ov (Where this is me, wide-eyed and flashing peace at lj)
I am amazing.