Celebrity Dork.

Jul 25, 2005 21:09

No, this is not a post about His Royal Dork Michael Rosenbaum singing Jitterbug courtesy of shieldkitten. Whee!

Despite my misgivings about making friends (new ones. The old ones don't count, damn) I have a new friend.

His name is Clark --


-- and he is from China.

There was this Orientation Day thing and he extended his hand to me and said "Hi. My name is Clark. You know, from Superman?" and it was Love.

That's just the thing. I don't know any Clarks. They're a rare commodities. Apparently in the Baby Book of Anglo-Malaysian names, the 'C' pages got stuck together and the rest burnt off, leaving no other choice apart from Eric, Kevin and Jonathan.

You see a Cornelius around here? Nooo.

So this is the First Clark I know and I love him mightily because aw, he is such a caricature character!

Clark's all hale and hearty and looks like he carries oxen on his back on his farm in China.

He's ruddy, smiles close-lipped, Supes-style and you just know Appeton would hire him to be manipped into posters for their ads at the drop of a hat.

If he struck The Pose, I might just squee and clutch at his knees.

That is my new friend Clark.

Who's your new friend?

ETA: Incidently, the students-from-China seem to have this idea that Malaysian have a very bad grasp for Chinese names because Clark, when he's not confronted with my starry gaze of Awe, talkes in heavily-accented Mandarin to his friend Jack.

crackposts, rl, geek

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