Nails art-kit

Apr 09, 2011 14:19

Awesome nails? yes, please! :D

The Nails-Art-Kit that I own is by Pupa (italian brand) but you can find it also by OPI (USA brand); I think so since Paula(one of the NailsFreak maintainers) has it: click HERE and HERE

Anyway, this is my Kit:

you can see:
  • Base by Maybelline
  • Nails art-kit by Pupa = Art Base(that's the grey one in the pic) + Art Top(that's the blue one in the pic)

Step 1: wear the Base and wait for it to dry
Step2: wear the Art Base and wait for it to dry

Step3: wear the Art Top and wait a few seconds...that's how it'll look:
(the Art Top is, chemically, made by volatile elements, that's why it looks like this)

As you can see the effect is matt; just wear a Coat (you can't see it in the pics since I don't have it right now so I wore the base again :/) and it'll look more bright:

I tried to make a video when I put the Art top on the Art Base (so between step 2 and step 3) but it looked awful! I don't know what's the matter with my camera -.-" anyway, you can see the video made by Paula on the NailsFreak youtube account HERE

Don't copy/paste these instructions/pics and claim them as yours!


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