Those 2 episodes are so funny! 1x05 isn't so much but 1x06 is just great!!! xD Here my favourite parts :)
Uther: "you're far more beautiful now" omg look at Arthur's face pleaze xD
Arthur: "what's that?" Morgana: "what's happening?" Arthur: "YOU'RE A TROLL!!!" Uther: "how dare you speak about her like that?" Arthur: "what's wrong with you, look at the state of her....... SHE'S A TROLL!!!" I don't know how many time I've been watching this's too funny xD Morgana and Arthur are all "WTF??????" while Uther is all "she's beautiful and I love her" xD
Uther: "how can he compare such a beauty to the troll!?!" He even kissed her... yuck! xD
Uther: "what's this about?" Gaius: "we just wanted to make absolutely certain you do realize you wife is a troll..?" Uther: "I beg your pardon???"
Arthur: " so your great plan is to kill me..."
It took me a lot of time to make those caps so please credit if you use them