Queen + Nash RP Date <3

Sep 29, 2008 11:58

Queen: *after stopping to grab the desserts from the bakery, she headed over to the lakeside with the twins strapped to her chest and spread out a thick blanket on the ground, setting Elyssa and Ivan down along with the bag of brownies and cookies and sighed contentedly* Now, don't wander off too far, you two~

Nash: *following Queen from behind, although feeling terrible that he wasn't able to help her carry the desserts* Mmm... You've picked out a beautiful spot. *turns his head to watch the twins run off to play* They're adorable, aren't they?

Queen: *settles down on the blanket and nods, keeping a close eye on them as they scamper about in the grass* Of course they are. They are my children, after all~

Nash: *laughs, and walks over towards Queen, taking a seat on the floor next to her* Have you ever imagined what kind of person they will be when they're all grown up?

Queen: *shakes her head and shudders* I'd rather not think too much about that yet. I want to enjoy their infancy while I can. *watches them with a sad smile* Because I know they won't be little forever.

Nash: Spoken like a true mother. Although, I'm a bit excited to see what they'll turn out to be when they're both adults. Maybe it's because I'm a guy, though. *laughs again, and watches the twins*

Queen: *raises an eyebrow and smirks* When they're both grown up, you'll be quite an old man by then. Are you that much in a hurry to get older?

Nash: I-I'm in no hurry to get any older than I already am. But it won't feel so bad if I can grow old with you. *looks over at her and smiles, but immediately turns his head back over towards the twins out of embarrassment*

Queen: *blinks for awhile before raising an amused eyebrow again* Does that mean you're going to actually stay put from now on? No more running off on spying adventures?

Nash: I don't think I'd be in any condition to continue on those wild adventures when I'm sixty. *says teasingly~*

Queen: *smirks* Heh, I don't know about that. I think that if you really wanted to, you'd find a way.

Nash: Probably. *scratches the back of his head* But that won't happen. I can't abandon you and the twins, after all.

Queen: *picks up the bag of desserts then, glancing down as she opened it* Do you really mean that?

Nash: Of course I mean it! Have I ever lied to you before? *leans forward to take a quick glance at the desserts she picked out* By the way, don't answer that.

Queen: *sighs and takes out the peanut-butter brownies and cookies and chocolate-chip cookies* Then don't ask a question you don't want an answer to. *holds out the desserts* Here, take whatever you want. There's plenty for all of us and then some.

Nash: *immediately picks up on the sigh, and feels terrible* I suppose you didn't pick up on that joke, I never was good at cracking them. *gives her a light kiss on the cheek* I apologize, because I really meant what I said. I won't abandon you. *takes one of the peanut-butter brownies and takes a small bite from it, hoping what he said will cheer her up*

Queen: *blinks as he places a small kiss on her cheek and glances back at him, smiling again* Well, if you were just kidding, then I believe you. *takes the rest of the desserts to summon the twins back to her and they immediately come running back* It would be nice ... to be stable for once and not have people leaving me ...

Nash: *suddenly feels a thousand times better knowing he made her completely happy again* I'm not going anywhere. You've got me and all of Budehuc, we're like one giant family. *watches as the twins pick out their desserts*

Queen: *nods, satisfied and helps Elyssa and Ivan eat* I do. And I'm glad. It more than makes up for the first pathetic 20 years of my life.

Nash: Huh? *concerned* What do you mean pathetic 20 years of my life? I don't really know anything about your past, but you seemed content.

Queen: *shrugs* I'm more content here, obviously. And there's not much to know about my past, really. I told you that my homeland is Sanadia and thus, you should already know that it was obliterated by Harmonia. I think that should say more than enough as it is.

Nash: I can't argue with you there. You already know that Harmonia is my homeland, but I can't help but feel more at home here. *smiles, and watches the twins enjoy their snacks* Plus, what better place than Budehuc to raise your children?

Queen: Indeed. *smiles as she takes a bite of one of the chocolate-chip cookies* This is our home now. I suppose I should just forget about the past here ...

Nash: Even if you can't, and you need someone to comfort you during those tough times... a shoulder to cry on, anything. You know I won't laugh or think any different of you. Even us grown men need to cry sometimes.

Queen: *raises an eyebrow, smirking just a little* -Us- grown men? You mean us adults, right? *smiles and nods* Yes, you're right. And I suppose there's all the support here in those times. Still, I haven't shared my past with anyone before. Except for Graham but well, I was married to him.

Nash: W-well, sure. I was actually insinuating that even though we have this tough exterior, even the strongest of men cry. But I guess I could have explained easier by just saying adults. *teasingly* ... *and yet shocked* Not even Geddoe?

Queen: Heh, I suppose that's true. But if that's the case, you better not try to cry alone then. *shakes her head* No one from my unit knows a thing about my past. Not even Geddoe. It's not that I don't trust them, it's just that I never thought it was necessary for them or anyone really, to know.

Nash: If I'm going to cry and have someone around, I'd rather it be you. But I don't know whether I should feel privilaged. Did you really only tell me in exchange for my last name?~

Queen: *smirks* Since you seemed so adamant that it was a misspelling. But yes, only you and Graham know where I am from. And maybe I'll tell you more as time goes on. I didn't tell Graham everything overnight after all.

Nash: I never expected you to. I'm more interested in spending time with you, getting to know the twins, and finding more enjoyable things for us to do.

Queen: *finishes feeding the twins and pulls them into her lap again before turning to smile at him* Here. Do you want to play with them then?

Nash: *leans closer to Queen, and smiles at the twins* Sure. *talking directly to the twins, in a playful voice* What do you two like to play?~

Ivan: *blinks up at Nash before smiling as he babbles something incoherent before standing in his mother's lap to grab both sides of Nash's face, giggling all the while*

Nash: *sticks his tongue out and makes a funny noise* .... *then makes a funny face, all while blushing because he doesn't want Queen to think he's too goofy*

Queen: *laughs, enjoying that very much* It's okay to hold him, you know. It might be easier, actually.

Nash: Hm? Okay. *gently lifts Ivan off Queen's lap and holds him in his arms, making continous goofy faces... all while his face turns bright red from embarrasment - Queen is watching him!*

Queen: *smirks for a bit longer before the smirk softens to a regular smile* See? There's nothing to it, right? Children are wonderful.

Nash: Your children are wonderful, but I'm willing to bet that's genetic - as genetic as their beauty is compared to yours. *tries to smile into that goofy face he's still making*

Queen: *snorts* Flattery won't get you anywhere, Nash. You're doing a better job by playing with Ivan over there. *smirks and turns her attention to Elyssa who starts fussing a little*

Nash: *teasingly* Are you saying you'd prefer if I started making goofy faces at you when we're alone together?~ *says in a baby voice while still holding Ivan in his arms*

Queen: *raises an eyebrow, trying not to crack up laughing* You do, and I'll only laugh. *bounces Elyssa a little as she lets out a little cry*

Nash: What would you prefer I do, then?~ *gently tickles Ivan's tummy, but being careful not to hurt him*

Queen: Just be yourself - completely honest and not shy~ *cuddles Elyssa close, soothing her as she smirks back at him* No fronts and no pretending just to get on my good side.

Nash: Not shy, huh? Hm~ *for a second he was planning to hide behind Ivan, while he continues to play with him, but remembers that's what he was just now supposed to avoid, and doesn't*

Queen: Yes. Otherwise, I might mistake you for Eugene~ *holds out the bag of cookies and brownies again* If you want more, go on and take whatever you want.

Nash: Eg-Eugene?! Well, as you can see, Queen, my hands are tied up at the moment. *thinks for a moment, and comes up with a way to get back at being compared to Eugene* You could always feed me. *opens his mouth, but can't hold back from grinning*

Queen: *laughs, shaking her head, wondering why she didn't see that coming* All right, just this once since Ivan is enjoying himself. *takes a piece of one of the peanut-butter cookies and deposits it into his mouth*

Nash: *slowly munches down on the cookie, feeling completely satisfied* Mmff *tries to say 'thanks' with his mouth full*

Queen: Hey now. No talking with your mouth full. *smirks before taking a bite herself and feeding a small piece to Elyssa before letting her scamper over to Nash too, to join her brother* I'm already taking care of two children as it is~

Nash: You're taking care of two children??? *playfully falls over when Elyssa pounces over to him, now holding two children in his arms*

Queen: Maybe not at the moment but I'm taking about in general~ *smiles as he falls over and the twins giggle happily as they climb all over him* And it seems that really like you too.

Nash: I'm flattered, really. I just hope they don't grow up thinking I'm still "Uncle Nash" or things might become a little complicated. ;;; *pretends to be helpless as the twins climb all over him*

Queen: How is being Uncle Nashy complicated~? *raises an amused eyebrow*

Nash: Isn't that self explanatory?~ *makes kissy faces*

Queen: Heh. *smirks* But that's all they know you as~ It will take some time before they get to know you as anyone else~

Nash: I'm a patient man, so I can wait~ I-I mean, so long as no one else considers me their uncle. ;; *just the thought of that makes him feel awkward*

Queen: *leans over to pick the two of them up again before sitting back down* I don't consider you their literal uncle, if that's what you mean~ But what else would I call you for now?

Nash: Oh, I'm sure you can come up with your own names for me. *coughsweetiecough* Sorry, I'm not used to all this fresh air.

Queen: Heh. Right. As if fresh air is a bad thing. *smirks* All in good time, though, Uncle Nashy. All in good time. You've got to earn those names~ *begins to pack up as the sun is now setting low in the sky and it was almost time to put the twins to bed* Patience is a virtue, after all.

Nash: *pretends he didn't hear her call him Uncle* I had a wonderful time with you. We should do this more often. *smiles* Do you mind if I carry the twins back to your room? *gets up, holding both twins in each arm carefully*

Queen: *nods and gathers the things together, eventually rising to her feet* It was nice. Spending time with you, that is. *smiles* And if you want to carry them back, be my guest~

Nash: It would be my pleasure. *returns that smile, then suddenly becomes bold, like she had wanted, and gives her a gentle kiss on the lips to officially end the date*

Queen: *blinks for a moment, taken a little by surprise, before smiling again to kiss him back* See, you can do it~ *takes the blanket and remaining cookies and leads the way back to her room*
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