Jan 08, 2006 17:18
it's not the principle of being tagged that I loathe so much as I just dislike this topic: "five weird habits of mine"
only five?
here goes
1. I have not, cannot, and will not ever get into bed after 11:30 PM while at school. I think this habit began in freshman year, when Mr. Washington really didn't give me a choice. If I have a shitload of work, I do not think it will be all right because I can stay up late... a la normal people. Instead, I think it will be disastrous because jesus christ it's already 6:30 and I only have five hours until lights out!!!!!!!!
2. I have a very Jack Nicholson in As Good as it Gets-like habit of getting ready for school. Shower: first acne wash, second soap, third shampoo. After shower: first deodorant, second Q-Tip, third acne cream, (possible) fourth shave. Getting dressed: first underwear, second t-shirt, third pants, fourth over-shirt, fifth socks. Nothing ever gets done in any other order.
3. I always take a piss between third and fourth periods, and always in the Mem Hall bathroom.
4. I have a habit of shooting nasty looks at Hattie Huston from across the table in history class. I also have a habit of looking away right before she catches me.
5. I have a habit of bringing things to school I will never need or use: golf clubs, short-sleeved oxford shirts, bathing suits, calendars, blank CDs, etc.
I don't have five lj friends to tag, since the only three I know have been tagged. Oh, I tag talekyn, if he still reads this lj (which would be difficult, since I don't update this lj).