Dorctor Who Ficletty thing: Staying in

Jun 04, 2008 21:06

Title: Staying in
Pairing: Gen
Summary: The Doc is in!
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The BBC has them, I just love them to bits.

"I'm not going," the Doctor declared and took a step back from the door, as if to prove his point.

Jack and Rose looked at each other, then at the Doctor, identical looks of confusion on their faces.

"Nope, not going. I've seen this one before," he went on, hands in his pockets and swinging a little on his heels. "Not to mention that every time I got out there you two get in trouble."

"Now, that's not true," Rose protested while Jack rolled his eyes.

"Last planet we landed, you," the Doctor pointed at Rose, "nearly got turned into a zombie, and you," the pointing finger moved to Jack, "nearly got pregnant."

"The key word there is 'nearly'," Jack said, "and I have to admit, I had fun doing that," he grinned.

"No, no, no. Not going. I'll stay in," the Doctor nodded again, "maybe watch some telly. I hear it dumbs humans up, could be alien, worth checking out. You two go. And you," he looked at Jack again, "no flirting."

Having made the proclamation, he turned to fiddle with the TARDIS controls.

"I only ever say 'hello'!"

"Strike that, no talking at all. Rose can do the talking. She can talk for the both of you. Safer that way."

"I only ever say 'hello'," Jack repeated, this time to Rose who grinned at him. "Fine, I won't talk," he conceded, then smirked at Rose.

"No looking either," the Doctor promptly ordered.

"He wasn't even facing my direction," Jack said wryly.

"No talking, no looking. You just…you keep your eyes closed," the Doctor repeated, leaning over the console.

Jack tilted his head and watched as the Doctor's ass wriggled in his attempt to reach the lever at the back.

There was a quiet pause.

"Or moving. No talking, no looking, no moving."

The Doctor turned to face them again.

"You know what? Strike that, I'm coming with you." He shook his head at Jack. "I can't take you anywhere," he declared then stalked off somewhere inside, presumably to get his coat.

"Always works," Jack smirked at Rose who burst into delighted laughter.

doctor who fic, one off

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