I'm abusing this icon too much, but it's awesome. So stfu.
mlekopijca and her last post about shoe-keychains inspired me to write this entry. XD
I'm getting my first payment (in two weeks) and I already know how to totally waste it, despite the fact I have to give back money I borrowed from my grandma (and 4875847 things I need to buy). ;)
Both guys from
Yes, I want to buy a doll, any problems? And no, not two, one. I'm happy I found Camellia Dynasty, boys are pretty, well made and cheap *.*.
I can't decide which one, tho...
Dolls were always creepy for me. I mean, when I was a little and innocent girl, I played with them a lot, but then grew up and dolls became creepy. And it lasted until this month, I think.
At DojiCon I fell in love with them. And then, when I came back and checked the prices... WTH. 500$ for a DOLL. And that's not even expensive in dollfie world.
Okaaaay. o.o
But then my mum said she'd love to make some clothes for dollfies, because she is awesome like that.
And and and...
It happened. I'm buying a dollfie? Most probably. XD
One of the two guys above, I think. They're 42 cm tall and have normal resin colour. Yup, dollfies are made of resin. And entirely hand-made. Also, their make up is washable.
I want to buy pink eyes and white eyelashes and hair for my dollfie...
Okay, enough rant, time for some photos.
My favourite dollfie, from Leeke.com, Min:
From ThyStoryTeller@deviantart
(it's a pity it's a guy... I wish it was a girl, because it's so beautiful... and I always wonder... is it doll or human?)
From denofangel forum:
Basen on video of some song, I believe. There was a WHOLE video posted. *.*
I forgot the source XD:
I don't really like dollfie girls, but this is just plain amazing.
As I wrote before... doll or human? Or photoshop, lol.
Some tiny dollfie:
Who saw Death Note? SO CUTE.
I think that's all.
How should I tell my mum that she could pay for shipment? XD