Oh the chaos.

Dec 06, 2010 10:11

I haven't updated in quite a while! Not only did I lack anything interesting to post, but I've been very busy. Work is picking up due to the holidays and I've been going in early because a co-worker was off on a trip. She is supposed to be back today, but I have a lot of engraving orders that I have to finish. And below is the other reason I haven't been on lately:

We had our Christmas Stroll (where the city lights all the Christmas lights downtown and has a mini parade to kick off the holiday) Thursday evening. I've never been to it, much less been in it, but this year I got to! Since the creation of my mascot box last year, my boss decided to enter the store in the parade. Of course we all procrastinated until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, then frantically tried to prepare everything during store hours the following week. We had originally planned to walk in the parade; me in my box, my sister dressed as a trophy (to advertise our new service) and my boss as a giant gift. We worked most of Thursday morning and afernoon to pull everything together, and I even went and spied on our shipping competition's float when I went out for spray paint. I sent her text and picture saying, 'the ***(store name left out for obivious reason) float is crap.'

Thursday was chaotic to say the least. I don't think I officially got to work until around 4:30 (I was supposed to be in at 1:00pm), spending the day buying supplies and getting a print made of the comany mascot (Super Vito), then getting the print made again because of a typo....in the end it was still spelled wrong because I didn't convert the file to a .png. A lot of things went wrong buy we managed to get something presentable thrown together at the last minute.

Needless to say, the last two costumes didn't get made. We opted for a trailer(which we couldn't stand up because of all the extra people that ended up being on it), putting lights on my box (and cutting holes so I could wave), then wrapping several boxes in gift wrap for my sister, co-worker, and boss to sit in. We put lights on my boss's husband's jeep, hung some cardboard trophies on the side and stuck the huge misspelled print of Super Vito on the front  of the trailer. Of course Vito himself rode on the trailer as well. I even made discount cards in little envelopes that said Happy Holidays, which the kids ran to pick up because they thought they were cookies. The parade was a lot of fun and I scared a lot of little kids by shaking my box and waving. I wanted to walk behind the trailer and dance, but my co worker said she wasn't going to jump off and help me up if I fell, which did make sense. All in all it was a blast and despite being completely drained, I can't wait to do it again next year.

parades, mascot, work, inability to spell, chaos, holiday, christmas

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