Guess who's back? Back again XD

Oct 18, 2009 12:10

We're not going to talk about my lack of updates. I guess I'm more into the using LJ as an RP-ing front than anything else nowadays. Also, a majority of the people I know use Facebook anyway, and I've sworn never to go back there. I was there a long time ago, back in the stone ages, when Facebook was, GASP, only for college students. Now, everyone and their twice-removed great-great aunt is on there, and I'm perfectly happy staying in the realms of LJ...and even then, not as much as I used to be.

Thanks, life~!

I've completely failed with my fanfiction on the Pit. I'm only one chapter away from finishing SSS, have the ideas set and ready to go, but I just haven't had the time to actually put the words down in a document. Please Excuse My French - I would love to finish that so badly because I finally have this great story in my head for it. As for This is Not Titanic...I don't know if I can continue that one because I'd really like to write a Twilight parody.

Speaking of Twilight, I still have a love/hate relationship with it. I despise the books, think the writing is mediocre at best, BUT (and this is just what kills me about the series, book and film version) is that the secondary cast is AMAZING. It's like if you were just to take the spotlight off of Edward and Bella's absurd, unhealthy relationship, you would have a really good story (it's the only reason why I'm on the so-called "Team Jacob" - when Bella was around him, she actually had, GASP, a personality instead of going "I love Edward, Edward is my life, I'll never be good enough for him, I want to die so I can be with him forever, oh woe is me..."). Alice and Jasper and Rosalie and Emmett and the shapeshifting werewolf clan and the different tribes of vampires...there's where the good story lies. Heck, I'm only going to go see New Moon simply for Alice and the Volturi (and their costumes).

And in regards to movies and costumes, Nine owns my soul right now. Every time I see Penelope Cruz in that scene of what I think is "The Call from the Vatican", my muse for this picture I'm drawing for WR just starts jabbering like crazy (mostly in regards to Lilith, but I love her outfit in that number). Jo still hasn't seen the picture (and will not until I post it online), and I think I may be scaring Brandon, but that's alright. I really like how this picture is coming out - yes, it's a bit intimate, a bit raunchy, but I personally think it's in good taste. I just wish that I had more of a range of hair colors to work with - there's only one blond in the picture, but everyone else has dark brown hair, lol. And I hope when I post it, everyone will be able to tell the "models" apart even if I make note of it.

Okay, going to finish my application. And maybe even play Days (I really want BbS to be out now...). I'll probably be getting a muse for Carla after seeing Nine.

real life(tm), twilight fails sorta, tl;dr, fanfiction, niiiiiiiine, fanart

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