"I watch you fast asleep..."

Aug 24, 2007 21:19

Real life is exceedingly boring.

And I want a job where I don't have to wear such a God-awful uniform that will forever smell like bread, clam chowder, and cardboard boxes. The day I quit is the day I'm throwing all of my shirts into the garbage. Heck, I'm going to have a full-out party that weekend - by then I'll be 21 and can legally go out for drinks. Yay life.

Speaking of the big 2-1, I only have three more months to go. Sadly, the cruise is two weeks before my birthday, which means I can't drink while I'm in tropical paradise. There is something very wrong and sad about that...*pouts miserably*

So, I'm officially off WeightWatchers now that school has started back (no more meetings). I still want to lose ten more pounds before December though. I've lost fifteen already - which actually sort of sucks because now NONE of my pants fit, and I can't exactly afford to go buy a whole bunch of new jeans (though I was able to fit into my dress that I couldn't last year - woohoo!). Therefore, I am doomed until I get money again to wear pants that are constantly riding down my butt and muttering about stupid unshrinkable jeans.

*looks up at post* Ya know, this is the most personal post I've put up since I got a new LJ user name.

>< So now I will spoil it with rants about fanfiction! Har-de-har-har!

Well actually, I only have one thing to save about the stuff I'm writing: I think I have a very twisted mind when it comes to pairings...and threesomes...and foursomes...and....lots of love triangles and hexagons and pentagons....and, oh dear.

Why do I say this? Well, possible because my HSM fanfic, Cardinal Directions, has severe OT6 overtones. Yes, OT6. Okay, so technically, it's more like OT5 because Sharpay and Ryan are brother and sister and the whole twincest thing freaks me out (almost as much as mpreg, but that's a whole other story....). But whew - I don't know how I'm making this work, but somehow it does (in typical HSM-all-for-oneish), and I'll probably be kicked out of the HSM-fanfic community for corrupting poor 11-year-old minds...

Somehow, that thought doesn't really bother me. XD

reality, fanfic

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