Jun 18, 2008 01:10

Duncan@JPM whom I sought help for translating Cloudy Heart pointed me to YT performances of that particular song.

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Which amuses me greatly. Everything. From the attire to the visual make-up. Very 80s...which is an understatement. I don't know if I found this clip before I heard Himuro's latest album I'm going to be hooked with him. But on the contrary, it triggers my curiousity to watch more old Boowy clips, just to see how was he 20 years ago XD.

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Cloudy Heart PV

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Marionette PV

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From their concert

So far I like them ^^...the songs I mean. There were some that are too hardcore rock for me, but others are really good XD. Well, they are legend after all :)


On another note, I've been listening to Himuro Kyosuke and Double(I have both at 320kbs~the uploaders didn't offer option) non-stop and when I switched my mood back to KAT-TUN(128kbs), suddenly the difference in quality are so glaringly obvious DDD:. For as long as I can remember I'm more than satisfied with that bitrate, I'm very stingy when it comes to HD space. And now all of a sudden all I heard is crappy sound of QoP...Maybe I should try to find the 192k ones?...

himuro kyosuke, jmusic

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