Капиталисты будут поощрять рабочий класс покупать как можно больше дорогих товаров, домов и технологий, заставляя рабочих брать как можно больше дорогих кредитов, до тех пор пока долги станут невыносимыми. Невыплаченные кредиты приведут к банкротству банков и банки придется национализировать. Следовательно, государство волей неволей выберет тот
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Comments 15
The unpaid debt will lead to the bankruptcy of all banks, which will have to be nationalised, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism.” So says the Karl Marx quote that has been whizzing round Wall Street and the City.
"Megan McArdle is right; this alleged quotation from Marx’s Capital supposedly “making the rounds on Wall Street”-
"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalised, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism".
-definitely is not Marx. It sounds more like a half-informed graduate student summarizing what he thinks Marx might have said about the current recession, and besides, “taking the communist road” sounds more like Maoist lingo. (If it really was from Capital, you’d more likely see a tedious reference to how much wool could be spun from so many spindles and so forth.)
Хотелось бы все-таки ссылочку на первоисточник, как положено (ПСС, том, страница) :)0
достаточно конец той самой статьи
привести на timesonline, которую вы процитировали в посте:
According to the Marx quote, this means communism will not be far behind. Except, of course, Marx didn't say that. The quote is a fake. You just can't trust those bankers.
"Народу не нужны нездоровые сенсации, народу нужны здоровые сенсации".
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