Procrastinating work that's not even mine

Feb 22, 2005 15:04

I'm not even in school anymore but have to write an essay on the biomechanincs of the human body. It's my own fault really, I offered to do it for my sis in an hour of broke desperation for a still to be deterimined amount. So, falling into old habits, I'm putting it off as long as possible and see no better way to do that than an lj update.

I've actually been in a pretty awesome mood lately (give or take a couple of bad fam moments, as to be expected). It's been so much fun just hanging out with my friends, who are just so lovely and amazing, and working a few more hours at the store has kept me busier and put some much needed cash back into my pockets. I'm also loving my new blue/turquoise hair chunks, normal hair just makes me bored too fast, and this look way better I think. Plus, I missed the days of washing my hair once a week and dying it every two.

Also, next week Andrea and I are going for a visit to the much missed Montreal, to party it up with our wonderful friend Em (who will get no work done at all by the way) and the other lovely Montreal kids. Yay, I'm excited!

Anyways, back to work now, plagiarizing off the internet isn't as fun,or easy as I remember it to be.
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