Jan 28, 2008 16:32
Hello sports fans... Well, as much as I would love to make an entry not politically involved, I can't. Thank the media for it. Too much too often. Are all of these silly debates really needed? My God! There is a debate damn near every night!!! I refuse to watch because it basically cheapens the whole process. I mean reallly.... The whole "You Tube" format.... What a joke!!!! "Hi! My name is Earthworm! I... like.... want to know what you think about.....like...um..... trees???" This is the point where I snarf Budweiser! Both Dems and Repubs must have been trying not to laugh at this ridiculous circus show! But I digress...
My home state primary is tomorrow. As most of you know, the DNC, otherwise known as the Howard Dean YAAAAAAARRRGH whackfest, pulled all of its delegates from the state because of this ridiculous tradition. Having said that, the Democratic Primary means nothing in FL, so I will no longer discuss that...
The RNC has 57 delegates up for grabs. When this all began, I will tell you that I was leaning towards Rudolph Guiliani. As of today, I am no longer giving him my vote... As a matter of fact, I do not even know if I can give my vote to anyone. McCain is a Democrat in Republican clothing. Romney, while solid fiscally, does nothing to inspire me with National Defense and terrorism. Huckabee has no chance, and thank "God" for that!!! I do not need nor want Jimmy Swaggert running the show. The rest are not electable. Forget Ron Paul... Can't win. Not worth mentioning.
Now, on to the Dems....
Billary Clinton- PLEASE DIE!!!!! GO AWAY!!! What a lying, calculating twat! Take your "I am woman hear me roar" and shove it up your pantsuit! Yes, full disclosure here.... I am LOVING the Clinton implosions!!!!! Can't stand them! Besides.... As much as everyone hates Bush and think he is worse than Adolf Hitler was, do we really want more of Clitton? Yes, I said "Clitton"? I thought this was the year of "change". Well, voting for that bitch certainly would not be change would it? 20 straight years of Clinton/Bush is quite enough.. Now, there is Obama..
Can't do it... All personality and no substance. The voting record is atunningly scary! Most of his votes have come in as "Present" which basically means- "I am not taking a side for yes, or no". Umkay..... What does this man stand for? No one knows!!! Sorry, but I cannot put blind faith into someone who has control over my financial well being. I am sick of hearing "the black vote", "the female vote", "the populist vote"... How about the INFORMED VOTE!!!!!!!!!!! I do not want a bunch of airheads who are only voting based on race, creed, religion, etc... But I fear that will be the deciding factor. Screw party lines!!! I would LOVE to vote for a Democrat if there were one who wouldn't completely FUCK this country and turn it into a Socialist/Communist/Dependent society!!!! As for the Republican Party.... Can't do any of them either....
Bottom line... Someone else worthy needs to quickly jump in, or I withold my vote. I cannot blindly vote for party. I need to be inspired, and none of these assclowns do it.