The Ceders of Lebanon

Jun 09, 2008 02:45

Thomas Jefferson

The democratic republic of Lebanon of a population around  4,000,000 hosts 18 religions, 40 daily news papers, over 100 banks, 42 universities, 350 night clubs in Beirut city alone,  1 doctor per 10 people, 70% of the students are in private schools, the name LEBANON appears 75 times in the Old Testament, The 1st law school was built in Lebanon, Jesus Christ made his 1st miracle in Lebanon, Byblos is the oldest city in the world, Lebanon is the only Asian African country that doesn't have a desert, Lebanon is one of the most populated countries in its archeological sites in the world, Lebanon is the only non-dictatorial country in the Arab world, Lebanon's name has been around for 4.000 years non-stop…and much more very interesting facts that deserves all the admirations and respect. But, a not so attractive fact must be added here for fairness:  The Lebanese government is an elected body of officials voted by the people to rule the people.

Since the late 70’s, Lebanon underwent brutal wars that destroyed most of it cities and killed its citizens with no regards to their race, age or gender. Civil war alone unleashed an inferno that reached all of Lebanon’s soil. A Civil war orchestrated by politicians and men in public offices that were elected by their people. A million individual left the country then, thousands died, just because the politicians didn’t get along. Each bullet, rocket, political speech…etc done by those elected men were always under the same statement: “This is for the liberty for the people; this is for the Lebanese people”. Militias were formed, assassinations were all over the place, and death of thousands of innocent people was just a collateral damage. “To make an omelet you have to break to eggs” , this could not have fit any better as it fit in this country.

2008, the pearl of the Middle East, the liberty beacon on the Mediterranean and the Lebanese government is not different that it was 30 years ago. I am not talking about its policy or constitution, I am saying that the same people who held offices in 70s and 80s (the one with the blood on their hands)  are still either holding positions in the government  or pass it down to other part members of their own. If this is not shocking enough, then the fact that these people are still there by the votes of the people, because they proved worthy! Then why changed them?!

This is not going to be about the corruption of the government body, the misuse or certain powers, or even the brutality and evil of men in offices. This is about the people, the Lebanese people who got no one else to blame but themselves. When you still elect a murderer to a public office, you can’t really blame the government and its action. When you vote for a war criminal to lead you, don’t expect peace and harmony. When you leave a liar to stay in a government position, don’t blame that government for being hypocritical.  If you let 100s of politicians get away for 30 years without judgment or accountability and yet elect them once more to lead you, then don’t expect justice and order. When you appoint a wealthy business man living in his mansion to look after the poor and needy, don’t go wondering why there is no such thing as a middle class citizens anymore. When a traitor is your candidate, don’t be surprised when he sells out for person benefit.

People of Lebanon, the self claimed “smartest people in the world”, will elect an individual and make a god of him for whom they will obey unconditionally.  4,000,000 people, in one of the most beautiful natural made land the world has even seen, hate each other when their politicians say they should, they will kill each other as soon as he commands, and will embrace their enemy once their leader changes his mind for political gains. These smartest people on the planet will raise their children on loving their political parties and religious views and HATE there others. Those free and liberal parents will let a child sit and listen while they engage in political and religious arguments full of hate and rage. A Lebanese guy is willing to hold a gun and kill his neighbor for $300. The young mind of this nation is ready to burn cars, stores and houses if their owners don’t share his views. Parents of this promising generation are encouraging their children to engage in what their leaders are promoting, and when this child gets killed, he is innocent martyr killed viciously by the enemy.

When you live in a country ruled by criminals, business men and war lords, and non are ever held responsible or accountable for his action, then this is not a free republic. When you leave those in power get away from justice and laws, it will never be a republic.  When your fate and future is determined by the mood and political views of your leader, you are not free. Until people raise and demand that each political figure is submitted to the same laws he swore to protect, Lebanon will never be a free republic. Until each man and woman understand that an elected politician is a human being serving you and your benefits and gets paid by you money, this government will never function.  Unless each individual absorbs the concept that their politicians carry on the people’s needs and demands and not vice versa, not a single politician will ever be held accountable.  In a free society people choose their government. So to free Lebanon, you don’t have to worry about the system, regime or government; you’ll have to worry about the people. Plato once said: “Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.”, so if the Lebanese are the smartest people, and they all seem to be engaged in politics, then who is governing them?


I apologize for any typos or grammatical mistakes that made this piece annoying to read through. Sometime in situations like this, my hands and minds can barely keep up with my heart and thought.

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