a real entry

Jul 18, 2007 00:49

Is it late? yes, considering I have to be up at 7 am for another full day of taking care of the kids.  Am I on my way to bed? well...see for yourselves.

I have rediscovered the joys of caffeine after having broken the addiction developed during the last 3 weeks of school.  So the pressing need of sleep is relieved.

I am now on the gentle slope towards home and school and gaining speed daily.  Yesterday there were three and a half more weeks here.  Now there are only three.  And that is quite a big difference, because the ends of weeks always go faster than the beginning.  So, as I'm half way through this one, it hardly counts anymore, and the half week at the end hardly counts either.  So it's more like two weeks.

I'm enjoying my time here, where I build forts, play children's games,
I also cut up to 6 apples a day, which has massively improved my ability to use the apple cutting device which was always a hopeless endeavor before, I take long walks in the evenings, I listen to music, talk to my aunt and uncle and life is good and quiet, despite the endless repetitions of reprimands as:
endlessly remind the kids,
"sit straight in your chair"
"don't stand on your chair"
"don't dance in your chair"
"please eat over your place mat"
 "do not swing the large beanbag chair around near the guitars"
"do you know what the beanbag is for"
"that's right, it's for sitting on. so why are you swinging it around?"
"No, do not put the beanbag chair on your head"
"BE CAREful when you put it on the ground next to the guitars!"

But actually, they're good kids.  very sweet and well meaning and, as kids go, fun to spend time with. 
Despite all this money-making, chillaxing goodness,I'm excited to go home.  I'm excited to drive my mom's new car (An Acura TL 3.2--(I don't know what's gotten into her! Acura has always meant to me "this is a sweet car." Is my mom trying to be hip?? ) . As well as a new car they've repainted and recarpted and refurnished most of the house, so I'm eager to see that.  Partially because I hope it is better decorated the previously, and partially because NOT knowing how my house looks makes me feel homeless.  I'm also looking forward to mom's wedding.  And I'm looking forward to seeing the changes that take place afterwards.  I haven't really seen much of her fiance, so it should all be very interesting.

And then school.  I'm excited.  To have a driving purpose behind me all the time in the form of classes and homework.  And, of course, plenty of distractions from said purpose.  I've gone from feeling homesick for schoool (three weeks ago) to having dreams about school and friends (last night).  This will only escalate until August 26th.

norway, abroad, school

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