Aug 21, 2007 23:56
As my dear roommate pointed out: four more days.
Four more days until Denver retreats to its usual place of "hometown" and "memory lane," and summer with it.
And only two more days to: get a nice skirt for dressing to the pin, to get brown shoes to go with the other clothes for dressing to the pin, go to the tailor to shorten the legs of various pairs of pants, clean my room, moving the books in the garage to the basement so that I can get to the boxes in the garage to find the ones that are mine, choose a bed to be purchased sometime in the next 4 months to replace the one that broke, select new bedclothes to replace the sheets that are over a decade old and show it, add music to my computer, juggle music on my ipod so that it is travel appropriate (i.e. lots of good cruising songs, sing along songs, the audiobook from the library), practice my violin so I don't embarrass myself more than usual in orchestra and at my lesson, brush up my Russian so I don't embarrass myself in my Russian class, READ HARRY POTTER SEVEN! oh yeah, and that peskiest of all list items: pack.
Holy crap. I don't think there are enough hours in the days.
And I'm still writing a poem a day. today is day 9 of 10.