
Jan 31, 2003 20:51

[Title goes Here]

laluna was a wery pritty boy, almost unearthly...
but then again, all forest folk usually where..
there he was, without a trace or a clue, barely 17 years old

but I digress.. lets backstep a little, say, 10 years?

'he will grow muscles, he will, of course he will!'

and of course he did, but not in anyway they would want...

laluna had been taken from the forest while he was still wery young, taken, along with so many others,
to protect him from 'barbaric tribes with no sense of civilisation'
of course... that was the official ramredurks, in truth, 'slavery' would be a better word

he was not the only one at the farm, many many had been brainwashed to work for their captivators

marenas, geolgands and lalunas, geolgants mostly, where stolen from the forests, seas and mountains.
geolgants where used for raw muscle power, lalunas for tasks that required a little more, brain power..
still physically exhausting tasks however, since most lalunas, tended to be on the heavy physics side,
even the females, something the yards men knew to appreciate...

but alas.. laluna the boy was different, an effeminate girlygirlyboy to the bits, he certainly couldn't be
used as workforce, to the farmer couple who adopted (read: bought) him at the 'centre for adaptation and educating of savages'

'let me cut your hair.'
'are you defying me!?!'
' no '

'work harder on the chains, he needs to work up body tone,'
'ARG! why doesn't he grow muscles!'

laluna, save his effeminate side, was wery picky and affirmative, making him quite a handful for his
keepers, he would not comply, he would not let them trim him, he would not grow muscles...
useless, with other words
margit, the keeperess of the farm, (although 'farm' was little strong use of subjective, since 'cyber tekno plantation' would probably be more accurate)
finally realised that they had to resell him, but not as labourer though.. witch was problematic
(not that he wouldn't be sold for anything, (god heavens, young effeminate girly boys? those sold for thousands!)

no, it wasn't that she had scruples at all about selling the little forest-child to pedophiles, no... it was that
teen forest girl-boys sold for so much more... something witch of course was swept under the carpet
repeatedly, 'disgusting habits such as those where not to be provoked accepted like this'
city-dwellers frown upon anything witch didn't have 'healthy family values'
so they waited.. and waited.. and waited

LaLuna, or 'Steven' as they called him, grew up to be an obstinate and unkonurmant boy, doing what he
himself wanted, quite unlike the other captives..

he had a talent for music, and an eye for beauty.. both of with of course was ridiculed.

the fate of lalunas are preordained from their birth, decided by some mystical spirit older and wiser than
both the city-dwellers and forest people themselves
'this laluna would be a woodcreator' 'this laluna would be a spellcasteress' .. and so on...
the individuals name created on the first fullmoon night of their life...

laluna, had he been able to grow up like he should, would be a glorious beautiful bisexual, almost to the
point of androgyny, worshipped by both sexes for his ambiprose..

as it is now, his effamination (and ditto sexual deviance) was an abomination.

::holds Vulcan mind grip:: you... must.... give... c.. and.. c....... my mind to your mind.... your thoughts to my thoughts....

crap, tull, laluna was a pretty boy, junk, utter failure

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