Video/Action for Goldenrod

Oct 23, 2011 19:38

[Once again, the feed starts up during the last phases of battle. Kodi is up against that bitch, CHEATER, tank of a Miltank. Kodi looks worse for the wear while Miltank slurps it's own milk via Milk Drink FUCKING SPAMMER. The feed might also be a bit....slimy looking. Why? Danny's Poké-Gear is currently in Jaws' mouth. Kahuna is seen every so often trying to get it free from the maw of death.]

Isn't my Miltank the greatest??? Super cute and super powerful too! Better be careful, that little cutie doesn't look like she can take another rollout combo!

[Both Kodi and Danny glare at Whitney.] Only because you use Milk Drink every two seconds! Kodi, let's get it before it can finish! Use Slash!

URSA! [Ouch! Miltank gets clawed across the face! It looks rather shocked, and raises a hoof? to it's face.]

Again! Don't let it make a move! [Kodi becomes a cute fuzzy deathbringer. With her remaining strength, she latches herself onto Miltank's face and claws like crazy! Miltank starts running about trying to get the psycho bear off!]

Nooooo! Miltank, get her off of you! [Miltank is headed for the wall at full speed!]

Quick, get off it! [Not a moment too soon, Kodi flings herself off of Miltank, and Miltank SMASHES into the wall. Where it stays, unmoving.] YES! You did it!!!

M-Miltaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank!!!!! You big meanie!!! What did my poor Miltank ever do to you?! [Whitney starts bawling!]

H-hey! Don't's just a battle? [Fail. Whitney cries harder.] I've uh...well I heard this might happen so I brought a little thing to cheer you up! [Danny grabs his bag, just as Kahuna frees the gear.] Again, huh? Well, so long as it's not broken. Now where's it! [Danny pulls a doll out:

I-is that the new Clefairy Poké doll that was being released this week? I...wanted to go get one, but I had all these challenges and-

Yep, it is. Or, well, that's what the clerk told me. I thought you'd like it.....I mean, to cheer you up.

[And just like that, Whitney's mood does a total 180! She glomps Danny so hard that he falls to the ground!]

Oohhhhhhh!!!! I've wanted one of these since I heard they came out in Kanto!!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyouuuuuuuu!!!!!

Agh! I can't...breathe!!!

Oh! Right! I forgot! Your badge! [Whitney gets up, now clutching the doll. She tosses a badge onto Danny's chest, as, he's still winded on the gym floor.]

[Sometime later~]

Ugh, I think she crushed a lung after all that. Eesh, I'm with you, Ed. Who the heck makes someone like that a gym leader? She's gonna kill someone! Well, at least I got the badge and the Squirtbottle and stuff. Can anyone imagine what she's like when she wins?

[[ooc- Badge is mod approved!]]
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