Pokémon Information and Inventory.

Jun 15, 2035 23:38

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Clothing: Casual Dude from Pokémon XD
Pokemon Team:
1- Houndoom:

[Starter], Male, Level 50. Nickname: Cujo Ability: Flash Fire. Current Moveset: Leer, Ember, Smog, Roar, Bite, Odor Sleuth, Beat Up, Fire Fang, Faint Attack, Embargo, Flamethrower.

2- Teddiursa:

Female, Level 45. Nickname: Kodiak - Kodi for short Ability: Pickup. Current Moveset: Scratch, Lick, Fake Tears, Covet, Leer, Fury Swipes, Faint Attack, Sweet Scent, Slash, Charm, Rest, Snore, Ice Punch.

3- Wartortle:

Male, Level 40. Nickname: Kahuna Ability: Torrent. Current Moveset: Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Withdraw, Water Gun, Bite, Rapid Spin, Protect, Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, Skull Bash, Rain Dance.

4- Gible:

Male, Level 25. Nickname: Jaws Ability: Sand Veil. Current Moveset: Tackle, Sand Attack, Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, Take Down, Sand Tomb, Slash.

- 10,500 Poké Dollars
- Poké-gear
- 14 Poké Balls
- 5 Great Balls
- 1 change of clothes.
- 3 changes of undergarments
- 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap
- 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner
- 1 washcloth
- 2 towels (one small, one larger)
- 1 toothbrush
- 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste
- 1 clothes line
- 6 clothes pins
- 1 pair rubber gloves
- 1 Trainer Handbook
- 1 sleeping bag
- 1 Repel
- 1 Max Repel
- 1 Escape Rope
- 3 weeks worth of camping food, stuff like canned stuff, jerky.
- 3 weeks worth of Pokémon food.
- 1 Medium size tent
- 1 Flashlight
- 1 Rail Pass
- 1 Full Restore
- 5 Revives
- 1 Every Heal item
- 1 Lump of Coal
- 1 Santa Hat
- 1 Favorite T-shirt
- 1 bag mixed berries
- 1 pound chocolates
- 1 TM 33 Ice Punch [Reusable]

Pickup Items

- 3 Antidote
- 3 Potion
- 1 Super Potion
- 4 Great Balls
- 1 Full Heal
- 7 Ultra Ball


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