Oct 09, 2013 22:46
Происходит от народнолат. соmраniа «сообщество», из com- «с» + pānis «хлеб». - получается, компания - те, с кем ты делишь свой хлеб
очень красиво!
а вот тут еще более подробно: The English word company has its origins in the Old French military term compaignie (first recorded in 1150), meaning a "body of soldiers",[1] and originally taken from the Late Latin word companio "companion, one who eats bread with you", first attested in the Lex Salica as a calque of the Germanic expression *gahlaibo (literally, "with bread"), related to Old High German galeipo "companion" and Gothic gahlaiba "messmate". By 1303, the word referred to trade guilds. Usage of company to mean "business association" was first recorded in 1553, and the abbreviation "co." dates from 1769. (The equivalent French abbreviation is "cie".)