Here! Here! ...Now that you've probably had time to find somewhere else to hear about the events of the chapter, I'm here! (Which is to say, wow, you work fast, fandom! By the time I get home and see the raws everyone's already abubble talking about them. Heee. *happiness that there are so many people following them to read comments of and talk to and she will never be in lonely past-the-scanlations-but-not-caught-up-with-everyone-else limbo again*)
EDIT: By the way, the next full script/summary has been almost done for days. I just...can't...quite...manage to finish. T_T Soon?
Chapter starts out with what seems to be a Junta flashback. Kazuki finally comes to visit the team. As he visits with everyone else, Junta stares at him looking sad but doesn't actually come and talk till Kazuki calls him over, freaking him out a little. Kazuki then flirts with him, making him even more awkward, and then he gives Junta a Talking To.
(Because one of the perks of being able to translate is providing as much detail as possible on the pairings I ship for squee with like-minded shippers and potential ficcers, a transcript:)
Kazu: Sorry for never really coming around.
Junta: Ye-- No, you really don't have to!
Kazu: Really, huh?
Kazu: So what, you saying you didn't even want me to come? Not even a little?
Junta: Uh // I mean // I mean that it's nothing to hold against you if you don't come.
Junta: Not like what you said!
Kazu: Sounds like when I'm not around you've been slacking off.
Kazu: Listen up, alright?
Junta: ...Yeah.
Kazu: Don't make the younger guys worry. (??)
Kazu: And don't worry about me.
Kazu: It's only a short amount of time we get to be high school baseball players.
Kazu: If you lose, then learn from it.
Kazu: That's what I'm doing, too.
Junta: ...Yes sir!
*sniff* I was hoping for a page or two (or five. or ten. ...but I like to be reasonable. ^^) more of meoto reunion when it finally did happen. But I'm happy to get to see it at all. And awkward stuttering Junta is very high on my list of adorable things. So.
Present day, Riou's meeting up with Tajima and Mihashi. They talk about what teams they're going to have practice matches against. Nishiura has some surprisingly strong teams, but...I think the other teams only let them play against their "b teams" so it looks like their opponents tends to be first years? Though Riou only gets to play when Tousei's playing against the b teams, anyway, too. As they talk it seems their coaches have met up and start talking as well, so likely there will be a Nishiura/Tousei practice some time in the future. ^^
Junta pops up, suddenly yanking Riou's tie from behind. After introductions, he zeros in on Tajima.
Junta: Did you give out signs to steal bases after spotting a tell in my pitching?
Tajima: *silence*
Tajima: *dumb look* You think so?
Junta: *stare*
Tajima: *staaare*
Junta and Tajima with faces too close to each other: *staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare* <---actual sfx lol
Riou then tries to get them to cut it out, saying somethings slightly nonsensical. (No, really. I thought I didn't understand and then on the next page Junta asks him what the heck he's saying. ...Not being a native speaker makes this even more bewildering.) Junta then suddenly turns around and brings up the fact that Riou gave the data on the Nishiura/Tousei game to his brother the Bijou coach. Riou freaks out, Tajima looks PISSED for a sec, Junta hides behind Riou looking mischievous, but then Tajima shrugs it off, figuring it's not like one game's worth of data could have been what made them lose. (Though Junta's internal thoughts seem to suggest he's not sure he agrees with that.)
Junta asks how much Tajima and Riou have been in contact, and it turns out this was their first time mailing each other (spurred by...Riou wondering when they'd see each other in the newcomer's tournament??? Tajima actually answers first, but I don't really understand him, and Riou blushes and says it's NOT TRUE. I think
aflyingteapot said it was a date joke of some sort????? *sadness of crappy Japanese* T_T)
Junta then suddenly notices Mihashi, who makes a funny face at being pointed out, making Junta point it out and laugh unabashedly. He then CONTINUES to talk to Mihashi about how funny his face is, and how just remembering it from before makes him laugh. (Then he might think something about getting revenge on them. I'm...not sure. ^_^;) When he excuses himself, Riou apologizes to Mihashi ("I'm sorry. That person is a bad person." lol phrasing wut?) He says after the summer tournament Junta was really down, but now he seems to be getting better again.
Then the game is starting, and they break up to run off to their seats. Mihashi notes that Junta noticed it was Tajima that stole his motion and says Tajima is amazing. And Tajima says back...
Tajima: But he remembered you too, Mihashi!
Miha: My face // Is funny!
They then get back to the group, and as they start to watch Momokan talks to them about taking in the sights and sounds of Koushien and picturing themselves there. Mihashi thinks to himself that the next time they're there, they won't be in the stands but on the ground, and that they are going to win.
After they game, they visit some grounds somewhere or other to move about, and then they're back to the hotel where they get split up into rooms. They're given 30 minutes to shower, then they need to meet back up. Room assignments (first listed peson is in charge of the key):
(I suppose I could have used the word "and" rather than using slashes. But come on. I know you fandom. Don't disappoint me. They may as well be slashes when you all get through with this.)
Tajima: *whiny face* Why do I have to be with Hanai?!
Hanai: *frustrated/bewildered/worried look* Why not?!
Tajima: He'll watch me like a hawk! (lit: he'll definitely be a guard)
Mizutani: There's supposed to be tons of comedian shows here. // You think we can watch some TV?
Suyama: We don't have time.
*snort* Momokan is so evil. (Poor Hanai. But he could take it as a compliment. Momokan trusts him the most out of anyone to keep Tajma in check. ...That, or she's just screwing with him. ^^) I suppose it makes sense now why she can't pair up Izumi and Mizutani. I don't think Izumi is the sort to start trouble/irresponsible behavior himself, but... at best, Izumi wouldn't care enough to stop Mizutai from doing whatever the heck irresponsible things he wants (*sees Mizutani falling asleep in front of the TV after a very late night of bad comedians and snacks he stuffed down his pants while at the buffet while Izumi occasionally steals food and pretends not to contemplate the boy's affinity for all things that bring him laughter*), and at worst would join up in the shenanigans and make the problem worse. ^^ (Hmm. *dreams of a crack world in which Nishiura hears they will be going on another trip, and Hanai, traumatized by his last experience and hoping for a different roommate this time around, goes to lengths to prove/suggest to Momokan that he is totally incapable of controlling Tajima, whilst Izumi goes to lengths to prove himself capable of keeping Mizutani in check because we all know who he really wants to sleep with because he doesn't want another night of Sakaeguchi gossip because... I need to stop myself right now.
So they go to their rooms, admire the view, and pick beds. (After being pressed, Abe chooses his since it's close to the bathroom. Abe, you old man.) When Abe gets out of the shower 5 minutes later, Mihashi has somehow already managed to make a mess of his bed. When Abe comments/asks loudly about it, Mihashi freaks out and balls up all this stuff onto the bed to tidy it up whilst Abe grumbles to himself that he wasn't angry.
Mihashi comes out of the shower (with his hair adorably soggy) while Abe cares for his leg. He thinks he'll be able to run on it soon. He starts thinking about the Newcomer's Tournament, but Mihashi hurriedly tells him he doesn't need to play then and they'll take care of it and Abe can just heal. Abe looks a little surprised but agrees and says he'll start in fall, and till then he'll just bare with it in the bull pen.
They go down and eat in the buffet, and then have a short meeting before bed. Momokan tells them they'll be "participating in" another school's practice. (Does this mean they'll be having a practice game with them? Doing their regular practice with them? Both? ^_^;) They go immediately to sleep (Higuchi you teaaaaaaaaaaase. No night time fun? No details even on the other rooms? But still bothering to tell us the room assignments just cause you know it will make our imaginations go nuts?!?!?) and then go early in the morning to the other team's practice. Hanai thinks some awkward thoughts I don't really understand, and they see the other team, lined up very respectfully (and rather intimidatingly looking to me ^_^;) to greet them.
...In conclusion, Junta is adorable but WOW is he RUDE and EVIL, lol. The scene was hilarious to watch, but...I'm not sure how I feel about that. ^_^; I think I might like him better under the apparently-maturity-inducing gaze of Kazu-san. But maybe this will turn out to be a recognized problem in the Riou/Junta battery that will need addressing and fixed? Cause I guess that could be interesting... Also, I need still need to learn the meaning of "short, informal summary." Looking at this, it's almost exactly as detailed as my "long" summary," just spazzier. Part of that was just that this chapter was filled with so much fun character stuff, but... *whine whine time whine whine other things to do whine whine no time to fantasize about gay sex except while at work whine whine etc*
In other news, the Oofuri kinke meme brings me joy. Not because of the fic, since I don't have time to read that (though I did read some. and I need to leave comments. because there is some seriously yummy stuff in there that deserves comments yes it does), but because I love getting email notifications whenever someone has made a new request and reading it while at work on break. Many of the prompts aren't even particularly to my taste, but... I just love seeing the stuff people come up with. Hehee.
(As for me, I long to request Haruna/Akimaru. Only I feel evil as a sort-of-writer requesting without probably ever filling anything back. Anyway, I'd want it to involve the emotions shared in their angsty bffbutihateyou fight, and there probably aren't too many people who are not only writers, but caught up to there, and also interested in the pairing. Tch. I guess I could always settle for some antics with Akimaru losing his glasses and being bliiind/needing help/allowing Haruna to get a better look at him than he usually does since Akimaru can't tell what he's doing)
Also in random X2: Lol at The Last Airbender movie fail. I'm a little sad it's reportedly not anywhere near decent enough to go see in the theater, but... Even at best, I only expected a somewhat-decent movie, considering I always found the two most stand-out things about the series to be the impressively-continuous-with-little-filler-over-three-seasons nature of the plot and the sense of humor (which was more to my taste than most anime or even adult western shows, much less KIDS shows), both of which looked to be lost in the movie version. (The latter understandably, but...why they HELL would you take out the humor? Do they actually expect people to swallow the phrase "flying bison" with a straight face?) But WOW is it sounding spectacularly bad. I look forward to is speedy trip to the second run theaters, anyway. ^^