Nov 13, 2009 20:39
So I's been thinking in my Naono writing misery. 10 Nishura boys paired all possible ways = 45 + Hamada/Izumi, Hamada/Mihashi, Kanou/Mihashi, Junta/Kazuki, Rio/Junta = 50, and 50,000 word novel/50 pairings = 1000 WORDS OF GRATUITOUS SEX PER PAIRING. In other words, not hard. ...Only I've already started something else. And I could just do it for next year, only I'm totally never doing this again.
B-But. But woudn't an Oofuri Nanowrimo novel of gratuitous sex be fuuun? I was thinking... Maybe if the community got together... We could go to NOVEL KOUSHIEN together. It wouldn't REALLY qualify for Nanowrimo being from multiple people, but it would be ever so entertaining. *sniff* Only barley any people would probably participate... Maybe next year if there's a new season (a comment on the last post on the Oofuri com says there's a possibly confirmed rumor (^_^;) of a new spring season...) and people are feeling more enthusiastic... But doing it now doesn't *hurt.* Most people don't make it to Koushien the first time, after all! ...Only it would just be embarrassing, posting on the com to see who wants to do it and getting like 3 replies, one of which is a friend being nice, another of which is a person who thinks it's great but won't participate, and another of which thinks it's a stupid idea. ^_^ *sniff* Plus I'd feel bad cause I probably wouldn't participate with all the other junk I'm doing, plus a stupid feeling of obligation to write something good because I was the one that started it. ^_^; ...And not participating when you start it is lame.
I'd go console myself with Hagio Moto manga (I think I may be becoming a Hagio Moto fangirl), only I already did that yesterday, and must reallyreally get back to the moneymakings now. T_T
novel koushien,
i'm going to regret this later aren't i,
hagio moto