(no subject)

Jan 08, 2009 22:02

So! I really need to catch this thing up, I guess!
And maybe I will in a bit, like, tomorrow, maybe, but today
and my feet hurt
Either way, I took pictures of animals and things, so I'm gonna post some here, since I have no real other use for them, hoho!

Okay, but first, I never finished that happiness meme, y'know, so I'm just gonna go ahead and
well, some things that have made me happy over the past while

- seeing my mum's family and chillin' with Miska after Christmas
- neat gifts and such
- people overall seemed to like my gifts
- my dad liked his Christmas card yes it was a cancer card. It fit so well. Plus, manip'd cards are always the best
- my mom was like, all over the mix CD I made her for the ride up to Lakeland, haha, I guess she didn't know I remembered a lot of her favorite songs, so she was impressed  :>
- my little cousin, maybe like, 3 years old?, who is one of the only little kids I actually sort of like. He plays Super Mario Galaxy and he likes to jump on the Mandibug. So, his mom, Katrina is really cool and she made him a plushie of the Mandibug for Christmas so that he can really jump on it, and my mum asked me to draw a picture of him doing so to give them for Christmas, which I did. They loved it, so I'm happy, even if it was last minute :>
It was done out of access of a scanner, though, so you guys can't see it :C
- My aunt and uncle, Steve and Cindy, have this cat, P.J., who is insane and adorable and fun to play with. He also likes to climb the Christmas tree, and has reached the top several times, so they had to take off the ornaments XD
- the movie I'm A Cyborg But It's Okay. It is adorable and hilarious and oh so wonderful and I would like to own it
- they also have a really nice shower 8|
- I'm on winter break until the 20th due to technical difficulties :D
- I chilled with Laura and Ana and slept over Ana's house and it was pretty much funtimes~ <3
- I went to see fuckin' Avenue Q with my friends on the 1st of January, so i'm hoping the rest of the year rocks this much
so amazing
- my guidance counselor likes Chuck Palahniuk and Stephen King
- hmmmm, other things
I would really like to go to the zoo with the intent to sit around and sketch the animals, but I'd want to go with someone and do it together. plus, the zoo is fun, anyways

Okay, so now for my zoo adventure, alright, yeah
like I said, it is mostly just pictures of animals, 'cause I like animals~
and actually, it is mostly birds, I believe :I
commence photo dump
heehee, mohawk birdy

I like this guy, he reminded me of some sort of glam rocker who is past his prime but still keeps trying to be cool X>
And either way, pretty~

I like this picture :>
I wish I knew what these were, but the guidy thing was really hard to follow 8C

okay these two

were like, ultra adorable. They were just sitting there like, cuddling for the longest time. It was hard to get a good shot because of the area they were in, though, so I'm glad they sat relatively still :V

and then there's this bower bird

who we watched for a while, gathering stuff for his bower, but this guy working there told us there isn't a female in the aviary, so it is all for not D:!!! poor guy ;C

okay, but favorite thing in the aviary:
this guy

not once but twice

watch out now I'm pointing over here you follow me
I have no idea who he is or why he was on two signs, but just
look at him

he is not a bird

okay, now some more not birds~

Hello Mr. Lemur how are you looking all cute and huggable

I don't understand people who don't think reptiles are cute :C
giganto Galapagos tortoise <33

treeee kangaaroooo

I like the silly tree painted behind him 8|

Agouti 8V

D'awww, I love elephants, these guys were active and great :>

I love this picture
he just looks
yay sand baths 8DDD

a grey squirrel in its natural habitat: tiled patio eating area floors
how exotic!
I love squirrels and would totally have one as a pet :<
and then and then

anteaterssss <333
augh, so cute


sort of

an actual picture of myself I don't hate! It is a def a miracle
Gotta be the anteater.
and that is what my haircut looks like, essentially, okaaay?

and that is what my day at the zoo was like
I'll probs upload some art later
umm, kay, that's all I have to say right n-

animals, birds, who is this guy, zoo, meme, happy, not very professional photography

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