Icons meme

May 06, 2010 13:26

a meme stolen from meimichan

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.

So here we have the geeks from The Big bang theory dancing in Joy. I frequently post about geeky things and to properly express my joy about it I needed a geeky icon. Because nerdy joy is different than normal joy :) made by geeky_ness

So Here we have a batman icon. Everyone needs a batman icon. I stole it from someone else (who I cant remember right now) and they didn't know who made it which is sad because it is AWESOME!

This is an icon from the comic ihartdarth which is sadly no longer updating, but it was ONE OF THE BEST COMICS EVER! It focused around the family dynamics of Darth Vader, Luke and Leia. This led to hilarious comics of Darth vader freezing Han in carbonite becasue he kept Leia out too late on a date. The icon above is from one of my favorite comics.

 and because this comic might be my favorite of all time here look at its hilarity (I couldn't find an icon of this one though)

So I think half of the people imeet don't get this one. yes that is David Tennant as the 10th Doctor but what is up with the Objection. The objection bubble is taken directly from the Phoenix Wright series which I love with an undying passion so when I saw this gorgeous icon combining both Doctor Who and Phoenix wright I had to have it. The Phoenix Wright games are a series of over the top Lawyer games that were originally for the GBA but were updated for the DS when they came over here. Here is a video of some courtroom dialoge and an objection.

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So this one is of Marion fangirling over Robin Hood. I needed an icon for my fangirling posts and I found this one made by iconzicons and it was perfect. Not only is it a fangirling icon, but it also has the awesomeness that is Robin hood in it.

This last icon is a picture of Amanda Fucking Palmer. She was the singer for the Dresden Dolls, has her own Solo album Who Killed Amanda Palmer, is half of Evelyn Evelyn and is engaged to Neil Gaimen. She is just all around awesome. Also she made out with Kelly of the shoes video in one of her music videos. I have a passionate love for her and her music. Her songs are awesomely composed and have awesome or witty lyrics.

I am desperately in love with the piano from Girl Anachronism.

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The way her lyrics flow into one another in Runs in the family

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The double meaning of her song Guitar Hero

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and I absolutely love the old timey feel of Have you seen my Sister Evelyn

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