Aug 22, 2007 18:25
So yeah I learned of my acceptance after I sent the Vocations director this email:
Dear Father Tom,
I have prayed and thought about this a lot now after meeting with Msgr. Calahagn and I come to a realization. I may have sounded enthusiastic with him about going to seminary as I felt God calling me in this direction or something. I was unaware that Master Seminary was such that you were feeling the call to be a priest. I do not feel the call to be a priest yet and I thought I could discern that yet at seminary but I don't know the calling. My intentions were to go and discern and if the call wasn't there look towards a masters in theology but that may be out of reach as well.
In any account I feel rushing into things will only exacerbate the matter and I was wrong. I am in need of a Job and I was hoping/and wondering if there was any suggestions anyone in the Seminary or Archdiocese that knows where I can find good rewarding work. It needs to be full time and I'm asking because I don't know where to turn as I don't just want any job... I want something rewarding and involved with good, even Catholic intentions. Non-profit or charity's would be great but something a bit better than Gas Station work. As much need as their is for that I don't think it is helping me grow towards my vocation. I find it difficult to start out considering my degree in Religion. Please if you forward this to anyone who might be willing to help or knows someone who can help I would be most gracious.
Tell Msgr that I am sorry and that if I ever end up in Seminary that he really helped me from making possibly an error. I barely remember all that I said in my meeting with him but I feel it was misleading if not downright deceitful. I ask only for forgiveness and Christ will be our witness. I'm sorry but this I have to figure out and I think time will let us know more as to where God is truly calling me. I thank you for you time and patience as it was generous.
May God guide us!
Ps. It is true my loans payments start soon but I am only asking for some guidance in finding a fulfilling carreer which I know God is calling me towards and I'm unsure as to where to start. I know the priesthood is fulfilling. I wish I had things all together and many back up plans but I've never been one to do that. Its not that I'm worried but I'm trying to expose my weaknesses which are obviously numerous.
This Is his Reply:
Thank you for your message. I appreciate your prayerfulness and integrity in making this decision, and even though we decided to admit you to the seminary, I believe your decision is a good one for your situation.
I want to emphasize to you that you may indeed have a calling to the priesthood and I encourage you to continue the discernment process. I believe your process was quite rushed this summer and pushed by deadlines and complicated by the fact that you are not familiar with the system of the seminary. Please keep in touch with Fr. Evenson and Fr. Finnegan as you move forward. I would encourage you to find a spiritual director in your area as well. Please keep the weekend of December 14-16 open for a retreat with Archbishop Flynn.
I will keep you in prayer as you seek a job. I would suggest contacting Fr. Finnegan in your area about the possibilities of church related jobs at that end of the archdiocese. You will find fulfilling work, but you may need to find something to simply pay the bills for a period of time. It is something that almost all of us have faced at some point in our lives. You can also check the website for church related openings in the upper Midwest.
Your decision was one of prudence and maturity, Michael. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Please contact me the first week of September and I will take you to lunch.
In Christ, through Mary,
Fr. Tom Wilson
Fr. Thomas Wilson
Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Director of Vocations
Its funny how God is working as I feel completely out of the loop... I mean I thought this was the path for sure but now I realize once again that His ways are not my ways.