Feb 13, 2005 13:19
Yeah it's a bitch. Me and my family went miniature golfing last night. It was okay even though I suck. Than my mom went into pissy mode cause I bitched we had to go to the Fiesta mall. So I don't prefer mexicans sue me. Well I went anyways and got a V Day present for Danielle got myself a Heartagram shiry and a HIM CD. SWEET! Than we went BACK to Golfland and I had to take my sister around and play videogames. I suck at Skiball. But yeah than we went home and I pretty much sat on the computer all night. I really don't wanna go to school like....ever again. I hate like 70% of the people at my school and I don't wanna go to English or Math. I'm the ONLY white kid who's not a wigger in my first hour, so I constantly try to get the teacher to let me outside. Math is dumb because I'm so crazy behind and the teacher NEVER helps me that I'm probably gonna fail. School isn't cool kids. Well I'm probably gonna go look for chips now so I'll catch you freaks later. Oh by the way, my NEW SN is Dimmu Circle for AIM. Feel free to IM me. Peace.