(no subject)

Aug 06, 2006 15:34


Name: Nicole
Age: 17
Birthday: May 5th
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Hobbies: Reading, Video Games, Gossiping, Going Out, Being Snarky, Writing, Drawing, Watching TV, Performing.
Sports: Tennis, Football (soccer to you Americans), Rounders, Swimming.
Pets: I have a lovely old (I mean it...she's 12) mutt called Sandi
Likes: My hobbies, my pets. My mother (she's the only family member I really get on with). English Lit. My friends. MySpace. Quizzes. Memes. Fanfiction.
Dislikes: Narrow-minded people. Being treated like I'm 5. Chatspeak, Sticky caps and all other means of annoying internet speak. Being asked for surveys in the middle of town. Giving directions (I suck at directions...why do I always get asked?) Mixing up Your/You're and There/Their/They're and other such mistakes. Quizzes that always ask "Have you been to *insert really specific places in America*?" Then "Have you been to Europe?" (Don't ask why, I think it's because I'm British). Being told to change my spelling to the American way (true story, I replied very bitterly). An overload of "flashy" codes on websites.
Strong points: Appearing confident. Making friends with just about anyone. Making sure groupwork is completed. Taking control and knowing when to allow others to lead. Honesty. Having a wide range of interests I'm passionate about, so I've always got an option. Knowing what I like and what I hate. Able to win over even people I hate. Getting away with murder.
Weaker points: Loud. Perverted. Obsessive. Cynical. Paranoid. Extremely moody. Taking things too far. Very lazy. Impatient. Easily annoyed. Irritating. Tend to lean between extremes when it comes to most things (whether I'm optimistic or pessimistic and so on). Stubborn.



Colour: Green, bright and bluer shades especially. Pink, any shade. Black. Because I can.
Food: Anything home cooked...or a Bacon and Chicken club sandwich from Greggs. Garlic Chicken Salad sandwiches as well from this place in the market in town.
Animal: Snakes. I love the edge of fear they have, which renders their power over most people, as well as the sly, independent nature associated with them. And they're exotic...and a great euphemism. XD
Fruit: I'll eat most fruits, but I've had a thing for Mangoes and passionfruits at the minute...I blame the frappucinos.
Flavour: A Summer Fruits frescato (I'm a bit of a coffee shop junkie) or, in winter, a Chocolissimo (It's like hot chocolate...with coffee and more chocolate :D).
Smell: Either my perfume, a nice aftershave or home cooked food.


-The Good Stuff-

If you were stranded on a desert Island, what 5 things would you bring?
A pilot, a plane, a bikini, a book and a pharmicist. The first two are obvious, to escape. The third is so I can catch a tan, even if it'll take all day. I'm one of those lucky sods who doesn't burn so I don't really bother with suncream, but it takes hours for me to tan...and to link to the last one, I get heat sicknesses really easily. The fourth...well, so I don't get bored.

Describe yourself in one word: Contradictory.

Are you an energetic person or are you a lower energy level kind of person?
Either or. If I'm feeling good, usually when I'm surrounded by people, I'm a ball of energy. But at the same time being happy and energetic and surrounded by people takes a lot out of me, so I can be really mellow, either in a hostile, anti-social way or in a "I can't be bothered to be hyper, but I do still like you" way.

Do you act more on impulse or do you tend to think things through? Impulse. When I'm stuck to think anything through I tend to end up doubting myself. I'm sure of what I know, but if I have to make a decision over time I overthink it.

Got any dreams or aspirations?
My only real dream is to get through school, go to a good university (come on Durham!) to study English and then get a good job. I'd love to perform a little though. On stage. I can't see myself getting the same buzz from a camera as I do from people's reactions when you're on stage.

What would you say is your motto?
Live every day as if it's your last. Definitely the only cliched phrase I put any stock in, because it easily could be your last day, especially if you'ree like me and run around back alleys in the dark.

What motivates you to start your day?
That I have to? XD It really depends on what I feel like doing that day. If I'm in a lazy mood and want to stay home, it's usually hunger or something that tells me to get the hell out of bed. If I want to go out, it's that.

-Got anything else to add?-
I'm hungry? Well, not a lot you dudes and dudettes can do about that. Oh, and I'm glad this survey doesn't ask questions that are clearly Naruto related, because I hate surveys that do that to be quite honest. Like when quizzes ask you questions that have obvious ties to the answer. You can make it whatever you want, it's not like people'll know.

Please attach at least 1 clear photo of yourself behind an LJ-cut

That's a clear view of my face, and my favourite hat. My hair's a lot shorter now though. I'll post a second one which is closer to my hair length (because I got it cut today and it's really short again).

That's closer to my hair, though the back's had about an inch taken off now. The fringe is the same length. And you must love my awesome sunglasses.
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