Apparently, This must be My Way of the Ninja.

Jun 09, 2007 01:16

The Basics

Name: Heather/Tenshi
Age: 15
Birthday: 12/25/1991 - Yes, Christmas.
Sign: Capricorn/ Year of the Sheep
Height: 5'3''/160.02 cm
Ninja Registration Number (just make it up!): 001295
How did you find naruto_rating? Err, probably through some other community somewhere.
Vote me as Male/Female/Whatever: Whatever. That'll give me the most options, right?

You know...the usual

Likes: Art, animals, nature in general, computers, anime/manga, sleeping, mythology, being with friends (as long as I get enough downtime of my own)
Dislikes: Intolerant people (especially those who try to ram their opinions down others' throats), make-up (unless it's for cosplay), animal cruelty, dying and death, illness, being pressured, and horrendously mischaracterized fanfics (XD)
Dreams for the future: I would love to become an artist - especially some sort of animator or illustrator. I wish I could work with animals sometimes, too.
Hobbies: Drawing, reading manga, playing video games, staying up to 5 AM every night
Strengths: I'm good with computers, and online I usually stay far far way from really inane arguments. If someone wanted to start something like that with me on my LJ, I'd probably just keep them from commenting again for the benefit of everyone who reads it. This probably isn't really a strength but I give off a bit of a geeky aura. ^_^
Weaknesses: I tend to have a short fuse. Having OCD and depression does not help that one bit. I'm also selfish, and I tend to be afraid of a lot of things *points to Dislikes list*. That also relates to the fact that I'm more self-conscious than I should be - although the way I am self-conscious has nothing to do with the way I look, I just hate being embarassed. I also can't take stress very well.
Talents: Uh, I guess drawing would fall under here. I've gotten better in the last few months. I'm also (hope I'm not bragging) pretty smart - I skipped third grade. I'm pretty good at figuring technology-related stuff out (although cell phones gave me trouble at first) - to the point I've won awards for computer knowledge before.
Personality in 3 words: Dreamer, Impulsive, and Curious
Favorite food: Speaking healthily, fish. Speaking unhealthily, I love chocolate. @_@ I also love Fried Rice and Sweet-and-Sour Chicken, as long as there's no MSG added.
Least favorite food: I don't like stuff with MSG added to it (it gives me a headache), I also don't really like beef. And anything served rare/raw is out of the question - that's really unhealthy (with the possible exception of sushi, which I had a couple of times and it wasn't too bad). I also don't like vegetables too much.
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite animal: Foxes (especially Arctic, Red, and Grey), Snakes, and Orcas. I also think Lemurs are pretty cool.
Favorite phrase or quote: "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Also, many of the various internet memes make me smile, especially when I know the origin.

This or That

Mature or immature? I appear mostly mature, however my mind is pretty immature and that leaks out from time to time.
Leader or follower? Ah, I'm more of a loner type than anything. I don't like being bossed around, but nobody ever listens to me when I try to lead, and they eventually adopt a plan that was my idea from the start and give me no credit for it. Needless to say, I'm happier working on things by myself, and if I had to work with someone, I'd rather be on an equal status with them than anything.
Calm, normal, or hyper? Whoo...depends where you see me. I tend to be calm just about anywhere except home. If I'm not tired at home, I can act like I just got a sugar rush as late as 2 AM.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? I can be optimistic about things, but I generally tend to be a pessimist.
Act on impulse, or think things through? I'm very impulsive, though occasionaly I can be a bit cautious.
Outgoing or shy? I'm pretty shy around people I don't know, especially offline. I'm a bit more outgoing online. I tend to be very loud around my friends and family to the point of annoying them a lot.
Fate or free will? Fate may preassign a certain destiny, but I think it can be changed with enough willpower. Say your parents are both doctors and they want you to become one too - you could become one if you wanted to or you could do something entirely different that would probably be more suited to you.


Your team is in the middle of the bell test. Your plan is to: watch calmly and wait for the right moment, possibly taking a bell from one of my teammates if they happened to get one but dropped it.

You and Naruto are fighting. He uses his "Oiroke no Jutsu" (Sexy Technique). You: expect him to think I'd be distracted, so he probably wouldn't be expecting to be hit back. While I might be momentarily surprised, I'd take the opportunity to knock him off his feet. Then I'd laugh because I can be mean like that. XD

You have one hour until your life or death training. How will you spend it? Well, sleeping probably wouldn't help me, especially if I was still groggy when the training started. I'd try to find out more information about the training during that hour so I'd have an advantage before it even started.

Anything else? I am somewhat of a perfectionist, yet I am horribly disorganized and messy. I also bite my nails a lot.

Please post picture(s) of yourself here: No pictures here (unless you want to see one from 2 years ago, and I've been told I've changed a lot since then X_X). So I'll describe myself instead. I have near-shoulder length brown hair with blonde highlights (that I want to get out and replace with something more interesting). It used to be a lot longer though. My eyes are brown (although I was told once they had turned green...), with eyebrows that arch closer to the sides of my head. I also have what I call "Itachi-lines" due to having inherited dark bags under my eyes constantly, that especially show up when I'm tired. I have a medium frame and I weigh approximately 107 lbs. ...I'm going to stop now before this sounds like some sort of dating advertisement. XD But it's nothing you probably couldn't see in the right photograph.

stamped, stamped!anko

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