Title: Survival of the Fittest
Type: Drabble
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: Caught Red Handed [ Wordcount: 343 ]
Character(s): Tenten, Orochimaru
Pairing(s): None (because I'm not going there).
Warning(s): None... really.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but these words.
Note: Based on a plot idea originally made for the RP community of
circleobetrayal that eventually inspired the fic '
Inheritance of Betrayal.' Theme borrowed from
Dedicated to:
its_game_time (
There were a lot of deaths in Oto, after all... )
Title: Working Out the Kinks
Type: Not-So-Drabble
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: Accidents Happen [ Wordcount: 762 ]
Character(s): Tenten, Uchiha Sasuke; brief mentions of Yakushi Kabuto
Pairing(s): None.
Warning(s): None... really.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but these words.
Note: Based on a plot idea originally made for the RP community of
circleobetrayal that eventually inspired the fic '
Inheritance of Betrayal.' Theme borrowed from
30_tortures. Inspired by Episode 138 of Naruto Shippuuden.
Dedicated to:
its_game_time (
Well. Now we know for next time... )