I'm late. Again. I was babysitting @.@ I seriously apologize.
This is the last round guys! I'm so excited!
So.. what does the winner get? A special spiffy banner that I have not yet designed. I better get working on that now, right? ^_^
We have four lovely icons this week. I found myself at a dilemma when it came to how the voting should go.
As difficult as this may be... you are going to vote for your three least favorite icons. Every participant except for the four people that participated this week. (I'm not going to ask you guys to vote against your own icon.)
Every participant(except this week's participants) can vote! Please vote! ^_^
This week's challenge was based on the lyrics of the song "Evergreen" by Hyde.
The Lyrics 01
Remember, vote for THREE least favorite icons.
Icon # - Reason for selection.