s**** Beau & f--- Zach, HEA

Feb 01, 2012 01:22

I almost didn't want to post this entry because it's the 70th (if you know what I mean, hint: you need a dirty mind). Anyway, what I want to say is, among other things, a few minutes ago I finally understood what people mean by " ... like a bad porn star" (it's kinda obvious how I finally know right? Right) *snicker* And with my revelation, I couldn't help but laugh at how an erotic act can became a comedy that sent me tittering *shake head*.

And about the incomprehensible title, it's the manifestations of emotionally over-investing and entangled in the romance of fictional characters; a romance which might (God forbids) become an unfinished business brought on by the departure of one pair of a duo who created the universe for these characters. In the end, one way to find out whether that worst fear is ungrounded is to wait until August (hopefully earlier) for the next installment. Even so, things will never be the same again, unless the script has been finished before the separation. The situation quite deserved to be called "sanity hanging by a thread".


So, 1 boring night during early spring found me changing the title and and link name of my journal entries. Also, I found out that a sequel to my fav novel can be expected to be released on May 18th this year! Woot! Dang, can't wait for it.

daily affairs, long nights

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