[Thread] There's Something You Should Know [Hinaji, Kiba]

Nov 29, 2008 12:11

Hinaji had told Sachiko he would inform Kiba of their discussions, but he still found it difficult. He wasn't entirely sure why, either; Kiba was his closest friend and more, and it wasn't like he was doing anything wrong too bad. But he still felt awkward thinking about it ( Read more... )

rp thread, november year 18, kiba, hinaji

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chicks_dig_dogs November 29 2008, 03:22:51 UTC
Kiba was pulling on her jacket when Hinaji came up to her and she blinked. She noticed that everyone was gone and felt a twinge of worry; was something wrong? They'd both been so busy lately, and she'd been doing clan things, training was when they really only got to see each other. Kiba had felt bad for it, and didn't hesitate to smile to him and head over.

"Yeah, of course," she answered, wiggling a hand in his easily, the other in Akako's fur. "What's up?"


hyuuga_hinaji November 29 2008, 03:25:59 UTC
"Ah, nothing much..." He paused and then continued on, his voice softer. "Actually, there's been something I've been meaning to tell you."

That sounded ominous even to him, and he quickly reached out for her hand in fear she would take it a bad way. "N-nothing bad! Just..." He glanced around to make sure they were completely alone. "..I've been talking with Sachiko-san lately."


chicks_dig_dogs November 29 2008, 03:31:08 UTC
That DID sound ominous. Kiba's hand tightened in Hinaji's, worried for a moment. She relaxed slightly when he said it was nothing bad, but his glance around and soft voice didn't entirely appease her fears. Her forehead wrinkled slightly when he said he talked to Sachiko and she tried not to move nervously. "What about...?"

It just... sounded bad.


hyuuga_hinaji November 29 2008, 03:33:53 UTC
...He'd said something wrong, he knew it instantly. He'd been sure when he'd spoken, but they way her hand tightened in his...

"J-just..." He took a breath. "...We've been discussing our doujutsu. I meant to tell you before, but I wasn't sure how to say." He glanced down. "...And I'm afraid my family might find out, so saying it out loud is...strange."

He squeezed her hand gently. "I'm sorry for keeping it a secret from you."


chicks_dig_dogs November 29 2008, 03:43:02 UTC
... that wasn't quite as ominous as she thought it would be.

Kiba almost laughed in relief and then just sort of shook her head, a small smile on her lips. Her fingers threaded in his an she squeezed gently, reassuringly almost. "... it's okay, I know I can't really relate to doujutsu. I hope she's been helping you with it."

There was a shift and she leaned against him slightly as they walked. "... it's all right. And I won't say anything to your family, I promise."

It... hurt a little, to find out that he wasn't sure how to tell her, that he HAD kept it a secret from her. It made Kiba feel bad almost- he was her boyfriend, she was supposed to be the first person he came to. Maybe she needed to think about things a little harder...


hyuuga_hinaji November 29 2008, 03:46:25 UTC
He smiled a little when she leaned against him, but he still felt bad. He really shouldn't have kept something so important from her.

"Talking has helped a bit, yes. I've found out more about both our clans than I ever thought I could." Much of which his family would want to hear, but he wasn't about to tell them.

He paused while walking and glanced around. "Is there anything you wanted to do before we go home?" He blushed a bit. "A-as apology for keeping this from you for so long."


chicks_dig_dogs November 29 2008, 03:57:17 UTC
Kiba listened easily as he spoke, just letting him talk. It was usually her babbling constantly and he deserved his chance. And it was nice really, just getting to walk with him. It was nice out, brisk but not freezing, and they were nice and secluded. At his question about doing something, she hummed slightly and then just thought about it.

"... lets get hot chocolate," she finally said, glancing up at him. "And just go for a walk. I feel like I haven't seen you forever."


hyuuga_hinaji November 29 2008, 04:00:38 UTC
Hinaji blushed again but nodded. "That sounds good." And he agreed; it did feel like forever since the last time they were together. Not since their discussion about the, uh, physical aspects of their relationship.

"There's a good place a little farther into the village. And some of the trails through the forest are good for viewing leaves, if you'd like to do that?" And it would mean they would be alone for a little while longer, and he had no problems with just the two of them.


chicks_dig_dogs November 29 2008, 04:10:41 UTC
"Mmm, looking at leaves sounds like a good idea," Kiba said, swinging their hands lightly. "And so does a good little place to get hot chocolate. And maybe spiced cider for Akako."


hyuuga_hinaji November 29 2008, 04:14:47 UTC
"That sounds really good." Hinaji felt a load of pressure fall away at that--he hadn't ruined things it seemed. He found the vendor quickly enough, and with drinks in hand he led her towards one particular path he'd seen a few days ago.

The leaves had mostly fallen in the past couple days, though, and he sighed. "...Not quite as pretty as I imagined, but is this still alright?" He glanced over at her, the steam from his cocoa visible in the cool air. With her cheeks flushed slightly in the cold, Kiba was really pretty.


chicks_dig_dogs November 29 2008, 04:22:52 UTC
Akako's cider was already gone, so Kiba was still able to keep a hand in Hinaji's and hold her own hot chocolate. It was a little colder now, but the hot chocolate and his hand kept her warm and this... oddly quiet walk was actually really nice. There was a giggle as he sighed about the leaves and she tilted her head up to look.

"I think its still quite pretty. And it's nice and quiet out here, I like it. You picked a good path."


hyuuga_hinaji November 29 2008, 04:26:22 UTC
Hinaji's cheeks turned red and he quickly took a drink of cocoa. "Th-thank you." A good path, huh? He smiled past the cocoa and continued deeper into the trees, his hand still in Kiba's.

They continued in silence for a while, until eventually his drink was gone. He felt colder without it, but he didn't let that distract him from their walk.

"Is there anything you want to see?" He frowned as he thought. "I think there's a spot to rest a little ways up ahead. Or we could turn back and start back home."


chicks_dig_dogs November 29 2008, 04:35:25 UTC
Kiba felt a grin touch her lips as Hinaji blushed. That was far more like him and it was absolutely adorable, and she had always loved it when he blushed. It had been for different reasons when he was younger, but now, it was just something so entirely Hinaji it always made her smile. Her fingers tightened in his and she drained the last of her hot chocolate slowly.

"Lets go to the rest spot," she answered as she peered into her now empty cup. "I'm not ready to go back yet, I want to see you longer."


hyuuga_hinaji November 29 2008, 04:38:10 UTC
His stomach tightened at that and he nodded. The spot wasn't too far away, and they reached it within a few minutes. The trees were a little less crowded, and there was one in particular that had its roots sticking out almost like a bench. He led her to that tree and sat, both their backs up against the huge trunk.

It was quiet, and peaceful, and he didn't want to break it. But he did have to ask one thing.

"So... You're really not mad? About my talks with Sachiko-san...?"


chicks_dig_dogs November 29 2008, 04:42:28 UTC
"... why would I be mad at you?" Kiba asked, peering at him curiously. "You're welcome to talk to her whenever you want. I mean, I'm glad that you two are talking and getting along. You're... very close to me, and she's become a good friend, oddly enough."


hyuuga_hinaji November 29 2008, 04:44:34 UTC
"...I'm not sure. It just seemed like something you might not approve of." Definitely something his family wouldn't. Even he hadn't thought he could talk so casually with the Uchiha, but ever since the gala he'd slowly come to understand her more.

Truth be told, he was glad he had.

He leaned his head back against the tree and closed his eyes with a sigh. "I really like it here. I don't want to go back."


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