Together Again [Closed Log]

Jul 12, 2007 16:34

Takes place about a week or so ago.

Moegi was back.

She'd sent him a message, letting him know to prepare for several days in the treehouse. Konohako was practically bursting with happiness. Moegi was back!! Oh, she couldn't wait to see him and possibly give him one of her rare, tackling hugs!

Tucking short brown hair behind her ears, the girl set about moving things around the treehouse, making sure there would be enough room for sleeping bags and making plans. They had so much work to do

Moegi made sure that he had enough provisions to last for several days. He was sure that Konohako had something interesting planned. She usually did.

Moegi grinned as he headed to the treehouse. He knew exactly where it was. He knew what to say and how to avoid most of the traps. He wondered if Konohako had added anything to the treehouse. He stood outside of the treehouse and tapped out a code to inform her that he had arrived.

Konohako looked up, grinned and dashed to the door before tugging it open.

"MOEGI!" a rather un-ninja like squeal as she did tackle him rather hard. "I'm so happy to see you oh my gosh there's so much to tell you and-"

She paused and pulled back. "You brought food right? I'm starving."

Moegi returned the hug. He always liked getting hugs from his friends. He didn't even mind being tackled.

"Of course, I brought food. Well, some of it is instant ramen but the rest of it is edible," he commented.

There was a happy squeal and Moegi was pulled in while the door was secured. Konohako pulled out a small, low table that had been leaning against a wall with its legs folded under. "How was your trip?"

Moegi plopped down next to the table, after putting his some food on it. Most of the food require no preparation. He handed a riceball to Konohako.

"Don't wanna talk about it. It was boring. You should've been able to come with me," he said with a slight pout,"as well as Udoko-chan. I haven't seen her in a while." He would have rather had D class missions with his team.

"She's on some other mission. So is Ebi-sensei!" Konohako happily got the rice ball. "Everyone got a mission but me!!"

A slight pout that immediately dissapeared when she bit into the food. "But now that you're back, we'll have a lot of fun!"

"It isn't fair for you to not get any missions. You're certainly capable enough," Moegi said."You'll prove how awesome you are when you finally get a mission." He wanted to have fun with Konohako. Negativity simply got in the way.

"So, what have you been up to?" he asked, "and what do you have planned

"Moving into my aunt's house." Konohako puased, looking a little hesitant. "I just...I don't think she likes me, Mo-kun. An' I don't know what to do about it."

Pause. "Oh!! I got into a fight with a Hyuuga!"

Moegi moved closer to her and put an arm around her shoulders.

"That sucks.I guess some people are immune to the charms of the adorable Konohako-chan. Maybe her students can help you get an understanding of why she doesn't seem to like you," Moegi said.

His eyebrow went up when Konohako mentioned a fight with a Hyuuga.

"What happened with the Hyuuga?" he asked

"I made him eat mud." Konohako said with an evil grin. "And fish scales."

She continued to eat, scooting closer to her friend. Moegi was always comforting - she and Udoko made a habit of whining to him whenever they weren't happy and he usually was sympathetic. Besides which, she was sort of soaking up the attention. Konohako was unaacustomed to being ignored for long periods of time.

"Now, we really have to do some scouting practice, not to mention try and figure where Ebi-sensei has gone and when she's coming back!"

Moegi chuckled slightly at the thought of a Hyuuga eating fish scales.

"Too bad I missed that. You might have yourself a new rival," Moegi commented.
He gave Konohako a little squeeze.

"It makes no sense to have a Jounin Sensei sent out right after getting assigned students, when there isn't a shortage of Jounin. It doesn't seem likely that she spent all this time peeping," Moegi said. Ebi-sensei was a bit of a pervert

Konohako leaned forward and rested her chin in her hands.

" know...a little bit ago there were all those funerals and stuff. No one told us at school anything really but something happened and a lot of people died. That's probably why they had to send Ebi-sensei away." A reluctant shrug. "Anyway, we don't need to talk about that right now. First things first. We're going to track down Naruko-neesan and see if we can follow her without being noticed."

If Konohako did not want to talk about why Ebi-sensei was missing, then Moegi would no longer comment on the subject.

"We haven't done anything like that in a while.We do need scouting practice. Naruko-neechan can be quite perceptive when she makes the effort," Moegi replied

"That's why we're going to follow her." Konohako sprang to her feet to go rummage in a chest that had seen much better days before opening it and pulling out a map. She laid it on the table and unrolled it. Udoko had spent hours making a map of Konoha especially for the group. "Now, I've found that she usually doesn't frequent her usual training spots which means we have to track down where she's going now."

Moegi noticed that the map was perfeclty to scale. He wondered where Udoko-chan got such accurate measurements. He got some random items to use as markers. He put an orange hard candy on the map to represent Naruko. "We could start with observing those who we know will see her, but getting caught by them would defeat the purpose," he said.

"Hm...true. And I don't think she's really training much with her team anymore." The girl slightly deflated, dark eyes scanning over a map.

"Okay! Well, she'll eventually go to the Ichiraku! Always! So we just gotta have a stakeout!"

"Yeah, I can't see her staying away for too long, " Moegi said in agreement. A stakeout was a good plan.

Satisfied that Moegi was in agreement, Konohako nodded and studied the map for a moment before looking up.

"So what sort of free time do you have?"

"So far, I have nothing to do," Moegi responded."So, we can start as any time,"

"Good. Then we can split up shifts and places evenly." Konohako stated. "It'll be more work 'cause its just us but at least it'll be equal. How late can you be out?"

"For the next two days it doesn't matter. After that, I have to be home by midnight, unless we get a mission that requires staying out later."

Konohako sat back on her heels and nodded after a moment. "Okay. I've no curfew and honestly until Ebi-sensei gets back, I don't imagine we'll be getting a lot of missions except to fill in an occasional team." A finger tapped against her chin for a moment and then she leaned forward. "Okay, so...the next two days you'll take late afternoon/evening searches and I'll take morning. After that we'll switch. We'll stake out Ichiraku, Neesan's apartment and these training grounds." Each place was tapped lightly.

Moegi gave a thumbs-up sign and grinned. It wasn't quite as extreme as Leigh's poses.

"We could probably start at Neechan's apartment," Moegi said. "She doesn't always stay out so late. What should we do when one of us spots her?"

Konohako considered for a moment, eyes staring at the map. "Hm...I don't know." she murmured. "I her and try to avoid being detected. It'll be good practice!" She beamed at the boy sitting next to her.

"And when we swift shifts we could inform eachother of her location, and her likely destination," he responded. Moegi liked it when Konohako smiled at him, even when it was the type of smile that led to her doing something interesting.

She beamed even more. "Yes!" Moegi recieved an enthusiastic hug. "I'm so glad you're back, Mo-kun! Its hard being brilliant by myself." She grinned before turning to roll up the map now that "business" was concluded.

"I'm glad too," Moegi responded, returning the hug."We're a great team!" He was always glad to help.

"We'll be even better when Udoko gets back." Konohako stated, putting the map away. She briefly stretched and then plopped down again. "Ne, ne, I think we should get a team pet."

Moegi rubbed his chin in contemplation. "Is there anything Udoko-chan isn't allergic to?" he asked.

That slowed the girl down. She sat and thought then scowled. "Damn I forgot that." Konohako growled. She pouted a bit, chin resting in her hands. "Well, we'll just have to wait for her then."

"Yeah, she can't be allergic to everything," Moegi said, “But it is hard to keep track of all her allergies I think most of them are plant based"

“Right then.” Konohako nodded her head and pulled out a scroll she kept for their self-imposed “missions”. Udoko usually was the record keeper but all of them scribbled in it at one time or another.

The rest of the night was busy with other plans, preparations and general goofing off as the later it got. The nights when the Konohako Corps got together were often noisy and supposedly “secret”. Now, with only two of the members present, nothing had changed. What happened in the treehouse stayed in the treehouse, supposedly.

rp log, konohako, june year 17, moegi

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