Gone too long [Nejiko, Hinaji]

Jun 10, 2007 13:50

A few days after her little 'chat' with Hanabi, Nejiko decided she would put her time off to some good use and go find Hinaji. It had been a long time, after all, and now she could move around without certain parties complaining she was pushing herself too soon. Plus, she could go to the source (as it were) of Hanabi's statement.

Hinaji and Kiba? Dating? What? Since when?

The tumultous thoughts remained behind an impeccably smooth facade as she searched. Hinaji wasn't in the compound, which meant... He could be anywhere. (Though not on a mission - she checked.) Walking outside the compound she activated her doujutsu and Searched, and was pleased to find him in a training area not too far from the compound. If only because then she could speak with him.

Hinaji? Dating?

She approached him from the side so he could easily see her and not be startled from his exercises. She watched him silently, nodding approval once or twice as he performed the jyuuken kata. He had improved. Tentsuke would be surprised...

Maybe. What did she know? She had been gone so long, she felt like a stranger in this village. Everything was the same, and yet... so different.

She didn't like it.

rp thread, may year 17, nejiko, hinaji

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